7 Alkaline Food Mixes To Consume 7 Days A Week

An alkaline food diet will help you take care of your body and improve your overall health, since pathogens need to be treated. ‘an acidic environment to reproduce.

We have all heard of the great benefits of alkaline foods.

But, it is very possible that some of you are wondering: is it really necessary to take the leap and integrate it into your diet every day?

We know that when it comes to food, there is no shortage of fads and advice from gurus who promise us health and well-being with certain diets or regimes.

So, regarding alkaline foods, there is no doubt.

If we want to enjoy a better inner balance and a good quality of life, we must do it. Add alkaline foods to our shopping basket and accordingly to our dishes.

Many of the things we eat every day that we love, perhaps excessively, are foods that have an acidifying effect. Sugars, trans fats, dairy products, preservatives, sweeteners, chemicals etc.

On the other hand, alkaline foods are characterized by containing a series of vitamins and minerals that balance the pH.

They do not inflame, do not contain excess calories, and harmonize many of the basic functions of our organs.

If you are wondering if it is advisable to completely ban acidifying foods in favor of alkaline foods, the answer is “NO”.

It is, as we always tell you here, to strike a balance. In this case, the proportion is as follows: the ideal is to consume no more than 30% of acidic foods per day. The rest should be alkaline foods.

In this article, we give you 7 fabulous suggestions that you can consume 7 days a week.

Alkaline food mixes

Best alkaline foods.

1. Avocados and pomegranates

An excellent choice for breakfast. Pomegranates have a strong detoxifying power, promote cardiovascular health and are a treasure trove of vitamins (A and C) and minerals (magnesium).

  • Mixing them with half an avocado will further boost the alkalizing power of both foods.
  • Remember, avocado is one of the most potent alkaline foods. It is rich in monounsaturated fats and has as main benefit the fight against the acidity of our body.

Does this mixture make your mouth water?

2. Blueberries with carrots and dates

Carrots are moderately alkalizing. They are not as good as avocados or lemons, but if you mix them with forest fruits they immediately turn into an alkaline remedy. They can be associated with:

  • Blackberries
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Red currants
  • Elderberries

Motivate yourself to prepare yourself a delicious natural juice, or a bowl with this vegetable and these fruits cut into small pieces.

Don’t forget to add dates which will add a sweet touch and an even higher alkaline load.

3. Oats with kiwi

Alkaline products: avocado.

Have you ever tried kiwi oatmeal porridge? It is fabulous for a complete, nutritious, satiating and above all alkaline breakfast.

On the list of foods that have a high level of alkalinity, they are at the top.

  • The kiwi, for example, is richer in vitamin A than the orange.
  • Oats, on the other hand, are the queen of cereals, a food that takes care of our hearts and our well-being, and that we should consume every day of the week.

4. Watercress, seaweed and asparagus

This combination can be a fantastic addition to a meal or dinner, and is ideal to accompany a bit of salmon or grilled brisket.

  • Watercress, like seaweed and asparagus, helps us reduce acidity in our body.
  • In addition, they provide us with a large amount of iron and calcium, not to mention asparagine, an amino acid found in asparagus that will allow us to take care of our nervous system.

5. Broccoli with lemon and garlic

Don’t know what to eat tonight? So go for this highly alkaline recipe: Lemon Garlic Broccoli.

  • These three foods contribute to the alkalization of the body, and help us eliminate the toxins that the body needs, facilitating internal balance and a good pH level.
  • Mixing broccoli with antioxidants from lemon in turn stimulates digestion and the elimination of lipids and fats.
  • Garlic, on the other hand, contains allicin which acts as a good antibiotic and an excellent anti-inflammatory capable of reducing, for example, water retention.

We assure you that this blend is as healthy as it is delicious.

6. Lime, lemon, papaya and parsley

Alkaline foods: parsley.

Perhaps this proposal strikes you as astonishing, strange and even daring. But these 4 mixed foods have a fabulous quality: to take care of your kidneys, to purify them and to deflame them.

  • Papaya, for example, is considered the healthiest laxative out there, very suitable for colon cleansing.
  • Parsley, on the other hand, is our kidneys’ favorite plant.
  • Lime and lemon are two of the most alkaline fruits that nature has given us: do not hesitate to add them to this drink.

7. Watermelon with cucumber

You can prepare yourself a bowl with pieces of watermelon and cucumber, or mix them in the blender to make yourself a refreshing juice.

  • Either way, get motivated to try this natural recipe as they are two alkaline foods high in fiber, water, lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamin C.

A light drink which, once you have discovered it, will become essential every day of the week.

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