6 Ways To Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally

Although the external application of these remedies can help you relieve hemorrhoids, it is also advisable to increase the intake of fiber and water in your power supply to facilitate evacuations.

Hemorrhoids are dilated veins outside the rectum and anus. They are painful, itchy, and other kinds of unpleasant symptoms.

They are very common in people with chronic constipation . In addition, they can also appear during pregnancy, after childbirth or due to certain injuries in this area.

Most cases are normally mild and do not represent a serious problem. However, many people prefer to treat and prevent them. Hemorrhoids can cause bleeding, a burning sensation, and small, very sensitive swelling.

Fortunately there are 100% natural remedies that help cure hemorrhoids to prevent them from producing other types of complications.

Although you can also do tests to assess your condition, these natural solutions are an excellent supplement to provide relief without resorting to other treatments.

Discover them all!

1. Chamomile

chamomile helps heal hemorrhoids

Thanks to their cooling and anti-inflammatory effect, chamomile flowers can be used as an alternative solution to treat the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids.

Direct application of chamomile thus decreases irritation of the veins and therefore improves blood flow for optimal recovery.


  • 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers (45 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Add the chamomile flowers and water to a saucepan.
  • Boil everything over low heat for 10 minutes and let stand.
  • When the preparation is hot, filter it through a colander and pour it into a bowl.

How to use

  • Do a sitz bath for 5 or 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this procedure every day until the hemorrhoids go away.

2. Horsetail

Horsetail has properties that help shrink dilated veins to aid relief from hemorrhoids.

Its external use cools the affected area and reduces the sensation of burning and redness.


  • 3 tablespoons of field horsetail (45 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Add the ingredients to a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • When the water comes to a boil, cover the liquid and wait for it to cool.

How to use

  • Pour this preparation into a basin and use it to make a sitz bath.
  • Immerse the area for 10 minutes.

3. Chard

chard to cure hemorrhoids

Swiss chard leaves have been used for decades as an alternative solution to reduce pain and bleeding from hemorrhoids.

Their properties minimize the dilation of the affected veins and promote the process of regeneration of irritated tissues.


  • 5 chard leaves
  • Water (the amount needed)


  • Crush the chard leaves and moisten them a little to form a paste.

How to use

  • Place the remedy only on the external parts of the affected area, and leave to act for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the mixture with plenty of water and repeat this procedure twice a day.

4. Potato

The natural juice of the potato is a natural refreshing agent that helps control skin irritation. Its properties regulate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and promote the healing process.


  • 1 raw potato
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Peel a raw potato and then blend it in a mixing bowl with half a glass of water.

How to use

  • First dip a clean cloth in the resulting liquid and rub gently on the affected area.
  • Then repeat this procedure 2 or 3 times a day, until you feel an improvement.

5. Olive oil and St. John’s Wort

olive oil and St. John's wort to treat hemorrhoids

Olive oil does indeed contain fatty acids and antioxidant compounds that help soften the skin to control irritation.

St. John’s Wort, also called hypericum, on the other hand, is a powerful wound healing and emollient, very helpful in speeding up relief from hemorrhoids.


  • 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil (200 g)
  • 2 branches of St. John’s Wort in bloom


  • Place the olive oil in a bowl and add the branches of St. John’s Wort.
  • Then let the product macerate in the sun, until it acquires a dark red color.

How to use

  • Once you get the remedy, apply it to the affected area using a cotton ball.
  • Use this remedy regularly 2-3 times a day for best results.

6. Purple

Mallow contains natural extracts which have a powerful anti-inflammatory and also healing action.

It is particularly suitable for reducing the burning sensation and also the bleeding caused by hemorrhoids.


  • 3 tablespoons of mallow (45 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • Pour the mallow into a saucepan with two cups of water.
  • Then boil the solution and let steep for 5 minutes over medium heat.
  • Then, wait for this preparation to sit until it becomes lukewarm.

How to use

  • First place the preparation in a basin and then perform a sitz bath for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this procedure twice a day if you feel it is necessary.

If the hemorrhoids are bleeding and your condition does not improve with these remedies, it is advisable to see the doctor.

It is important to assess the origin of hemorrhoids and to know why the healing time is sometimes longer.

By knowing the causes of this disease, we will know better how to prevent it. We must also strive to eradicate constipation by consuming foods rich in fiber and drinking water regularly.

To avoid hemorrhoids, it is essential to follow a varied, balanced diet rich in fiber to prevent constipation and facilitate evacuation.


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