6 Tips To Prevent Premature Skin Aging

Did you know that physical exercise is important for skin regeneration? By eliminating toxic substances, we delay the signs of aging and prevent flaccidity.

Premature aging of the skin is a biological process. So, all people have to face it at some point in their life.

Although there are currently many techniques to delay it, the onset of signs of aging will be inevitable.

When this process takes place naturally, it is almost always noticeable from the age of 40. It appears with the development of small wrinkles that form and become more visible.

This happens because of a decrease in hormones that engages the skin cells, as well as the production of collagen and elastin.

On the other hand, there is a type of aging that can be avoided and mitigated more effectively.

We are talking about the one that arises prematurely. Like that resulting from poor lifestyle habits and other external factors that affect the quality of the skin.

We need to know that we are all exposed in one way or another to early skin damage.

To reduce the risk of premature aging of the skin, it is worth following some recommendations and trying to improve your lifestyle.

1. Sleep well

During the hours of sleep, the body secretes several substances that support cell regeneration to keep the skin young.

Not sleeping obstructs this activity and in the medium long term, this can be observed on the condition of the skin through unsightly signs such as dark circles or bags under the eyes.

A sleep of at least 7 hours per night, without interruptions, allows the body to regenerate itself in an appropriate manner.

2. A balanced diet

The skin is the largest organ in our body and it requires special nutrition to enjoy good health.

Thanks to a balanced diet, we provide our body with antioxidant compounds, vitamins, minerals and many other nutrients which participate in its restoration and which prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

The diet should therefore always be based on foods of very good quality, such as:

  • Fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Dried vegetables.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Dried fruits.

3. Protect yourself from the sun to reduce premature aging of the skin

The sun’s rays are the main cause of premature aging of the skin and many other skin conditions.

As it is often difficult to avoid the sun, it is essential to put on sunscreen at all times. You should also wear hats, caps and sunglasses for protection.

Sun damage to the superficial and deep layers of the skin is not immediately visible, but over time it becomes more and more noticeable.

In addition, this damage has been shown to increase the risk of suffering from skin cancer.

4. Exercise regularly

Besides being a great habit to stay in shape, exercise also supports skin regeneration.

Through this practice, the body eliminates various toxic substances which affect the health of the skin and which influence the early development of aging.

On top of that, it’s the best way to prevent sagging, a factor that can cause wrinkles to appear.

5. No smoking

dangers of smoking

It has been verified that people who have a bad habit of smoking age faster than those who have a healthy lifestyle.

The toxins from cigarettes reach various purifying organs and stop in the blood. They then affect every cell in the body.

As a result, people who smoke have more wrinkled skin, with spots and other skin disorders that affect beauty.

6. Beauty treatments

In order to reduce the signs of premature aging of the skin, it is good to carry out regular beauty treatments. These improve and guarantee skin without impurities or imperfections.

Products for external use nourish the skin and stimulate cell repair. This thus helps to reduce and prevent wrinkles and spots.

Plus, they’re great for removing dead skin cells, toning, and providing deep hydration to the skin.

To know !

It is always more difficult to reduce the signs of premature aging of the skin than to prevent them.

That is why, instead of waiting for them to appear, it is best to start taking action very early, to reduce their negative impact.


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