6 Tips For More Radiant Lips

The skin of the lips is one of the most sensitive. So we need to hydrate it frequently and protect it from different factors, such as cold and sunlight.

The lips are one of the most important areas of the face, because they represent one of the most attractive female assets.

Many women often seek the best care that will allow them to have healthy lips, because many factors weaken the sensitive skin that covers them, making them drier and chapped. 

Not to mention hydrating or sanitizing them, many women also want to make them more voluminous and seductive.

In response to this, the cosmetic industry has taken on the task of developing hundreds of lip balms and sticks, the goal of which is to achieve that much desired look.

On the other hand, cosmetic surgery has developed certain techniques that make it possible to increase the size of the lips or to improve their shape.

However, for people who prefer natural options, there are a series of homemade tips that can be quite helpful in making lips more attractive. Would you like to know them?

1. Exfoliation

The goal of exfoliations is to remove dead cells that make the skin appear unhealthy.

In the case of the lips, it should be done regularly because they are very sensitive, and they therefore tend to dry out more easily.

How to do ?

There are many natural ways to practice this simple treatment.

First, you can rub your lips with a soft toothbrush and then rinse them with lukewarm water.

If you also want to provide them with other nutrients,  you can apply a sugar and honey treatment to them.


  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (5 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (15 g)

Preparation and method of use

  • Mix the two ingredients in a container and form a thick paste.
  • Apply the product using your fingertips, and massage gently and circularly.
  • Rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat this treatment once a week.

2. No smoking

The habit of smoking has negative effects on beauty, and also affects the health of the skin and lips.

Although it may seem harmless at first glance, over time smoking becomes one of the potential causes for the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, dry lips and bad breath.

3. Use a moisturizing lip balm

Lip balms are products with moisturizing qualities that can be used every day to ensure adequate hydration.

In the market, it can be bought in various presentations, but it is better to prepare one at home.

How to do ?

The preparation is quite simple and we do not use any ingredients that consist of harsh chemicals.


  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa butter (5 g)
  • 1 and a half tablespoons of shea butter (8 g)
  • A tablespoon and a half of castor oil (7 ml)
  • 2 drops of edible vanilla extract (optional)
  • 1 clean and sterilized container

Preparation and method of use

  • Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and heat them in a bain-marie.
  • Mix everything well and when it’s ready, place them in the chosen container.
  • Let the uncovered preparation dry for 2 or 4 hours, so that it thickens. Then cover it.
  • Take the amount you need and apply it whenever you want to moisturize your lips.

4. Do lip exercises

The best exercise is to position the lips in the kissing position for a few minutes. Then stretch them out smiling and relax them.

Practice this movement every day for 3 or 5 minutes, and you will notice the difference.

5. Choose a suitable color

Lipsticks are among the best allies to bring out all their beauty.

However, it is very important to know how to choose the right color according to the type of skin and the occasion.

If you’re not sure yet which color is best for you, try soft colors for the day and bold colors for the night.

If your skin color is dark, go for brown with a yellow base.

6. Use lip sunscreen

As with the rest of the skin, the lips suffer from the consequences of exposure to UV rays from the sun. 

It is essential to apply a balm and sunscreen to reduce the risk of developing skin conditions.

These tips do not pretend to change the shape of your lips like cosmetic surgery, but they are safe and effective alternatives that allow you to showcase all their beauty!

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