6 Natural Remedies For Wart Removal

Although these natural remedies for wart removal take longer to work than chemical treatments, they are much less aggressive and invasive.

Warts are not a serious health problem. Nevertheless, it is still preferable to consult a dermatologist, so that he can detect a possible change on our skin.

The main disadvantage of warts concerns the aesthetic appearance. But warts can also be annoying with the rubbing of clothing and jewelry.

Discover here 6 natural remedies to remove warts. 

1. Garlic

Garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic, ideal for fighting viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites. This is why garlic is an effective remedy for burning warts.

Its smell is the only annoyance.

  • Place a little garlic on the wart.
  • Using a plaster, make a bandage. Take care not to cover healthy skin. Leave on overnight.
  • Repeat the operation every day until the wart falls off.

2. Fig milk is great for removing warts

Fig milk helps eliminate warts

The white liquid extracted from green figs is one of the oldest remedies for removing warts and corns. Thanks to the presence of latex, fig milk softens hard skin growths.

If you have a fig tree, then you have a quick and efficient solution available. You just have to take into account the times of the year when this sap is most effective, namely at the beginning of spring and in summer, when the figs are green.

Do not apply this substance to mucous areas. You might irritate them.

3. Mugwort

Ancient Chinese doctors used mugwort to burn warts and get rid of them quickly.

To do this, they placed a small ball of mugwort on the wart without touching the skin, and burned this ball using an incense bar in a back and forth motion.

It is a rather strange method but very effective: two or three days is enough to make the wart fall off. However, the risk of burns is significant, which is why it is essential to take precautions.

It is also possible to use a moxa to perform this method. It is a kind of cone used as a heating object in heat therapy.

4. Banana peel

Banana peel helps eliminate warts

The skin of fruits often hides healing properties. This is the case with banana peel.

Thanks to its salicylic acid content, this part of the banana is very effective in removing warts naturally.

Daily, rub the inner part of a banana peel over the wart area. Do this at least twice a day: once when you wake up and once before bed.

This remedy is also effective in relieving skin problems and in whitening tooth enamel.

5. Onion 

Onion is a purifying medicinal ingredient that facilitates the elimination of fluids and toxins from our body.

It is generally used internally to prevent and treat certain infections, but it can also be applied topically to remove warts.

6. Apple vinegar 

The apple vinegar is a product that we must always have at hand, because its uses and properties are many.

When it comes to warts, apple cider vinegar is both gentle and effective. This is due to its acid and enzyme content as well as its powerful antiviral effect.

You only have to apply a few drops of pure vinegar using a cotton ball two or three times a day.

If possible, hold the cotton against the skin with a sticking plaster so that the effect lasts longer. Repeat the operation until the wart disappears.


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