6 Home Remedies To Keep Insects Away From Your Home

Thanks to ingredients like eucalyptus, citrus fruits or frankincense, we can repel insects naturally, without endangering our health.

Despite all our cleaning habits, insects always end up invading certain corners of the house.

Indeed, a recent study revealed that we live together every day with a multitude of small animals.

However, some are unpleasant and bother us, such as those in the kitchen or in the garden.

Fortunately, to eliminate them, there is no need to resort to dangerous insecticides that are available on the market at fairly high prices.

If we take into account the properties of certain natural ingredients, it is possible to develop homemade solutions so that insects do not invade our spaces. Are you interested?

1. Eucalyptus oil against insects

Eucalyptus oil is a 100% natural product that acts as a repellant and anti-inflammatory.

Indeed, it is one of the oldest remedies for mosquito bites. By applying this oil, you can keep insects away from your skin.

Many consider it a travel companion when going to the countryside or the mountains, as it is possible to mix it with your shampoo or moisturizer to take advantage of its effects.


  • 15 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • ¼ cup of water (62 ml)
  • 1 bottle with spray

How to prepare this remedy?

  • First, pour eucalyptus essential oil into the water and then add it to the spray bottle.
  • Apply it to the skin and rub in so that the mixture is well absorbed.

You can also enjoy its qualities in the spaces of the house. Make a decoction with a few leaves of the plant and then let its vapor dissipate.

2. Incense and candles against insects

Incense made from plants or essential oils can be useful against small animals.

Lemongrass, palmarosa ( Cymbopogon martini)  or lemon are inhibitors of mosquitoes, flies and other insect species. 

They can be broadcast regularly in all rooms of the house, including the garden and the terrace.

In interiors, you can also use aromatic candles, such as lavender or citrus candles.

3. Apple vinegar against insects

Apple vinegar against insects.

The acids in vinegar and its penetrating smell are very unpleasant for the insects that invade the house.

He does not exterminate them but he prevents them from entering places like the kitchen or bedrooms.


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
  • 1 bottle with spray

How to prepare it?

  • Mix equal doses of water and apple cider vinegar and pour into the spray bottle.
  • Spray the product on all entry points where insects can go.

4. Mosquito-trap bottles

Long before the advent of commercial chemical insecticides, there were a number of tricks to prevent the invasion of insects.

So, one of the most effective tips is the mosquito trap bottle, which is nothing more or less than a plastic bottle with ingredients that help attract them inside.

The smell and fermentation are very attractive to insects, so they get trapped.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar (50 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of yeast (5 g)
  • 1 piece of black cloth

How to prepare it?

  • First, heat the water with the sugar, until you get a thick paste.
  • Then cut the plastic bottle in half and let the mixture cool in it.
  • Then, sprinkle the yeast without mixing and introduce the neck of the bottle in the shape of a funnel.
  • Take the piece of black cloth and use it to cover the lower part of the trap.

5. Laurel to fight against insects

Bay leaves are also great for warding off those annoying flies that fly around the kitchen.

Indeed, we can use them in the form of infusion, or crush a few leaves in a dish to place them in several parts of the home.

You can also make a homemade spray and apply it directly to the insect.


  • 20 drops of bay leaf essential oil
  • ¼ cup of water (62 ml)
  • 1 spray bottle

How to prepare it?

  • Mix the essential oil with the water and sprinkle it using a spray bottle.

6. Citrus fruits against insects

Most insects can’t stand the smell of citrus, so these are great fruits to keep them away.

Instead of throwing the peel of citrus fruits in the trash, chop it into small pieces and then put them in the places of passage of the house or the garden.

Since these are environmentally friendly solutions, they are not as powerful as chemicals. However, it is worth trying them to be more environmentally friendly and healthier.

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