6 Foods That Fight Against Fatty Liver

To treat fatty liver, it is essential to avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco. In addition, it is necessary to follow a healthy and balanced diet, and as much as possible, based on natural foods.

In the case of fatty liver, a professional usually recommends improving eating habits as soon as possible and giving up alcohol and tobacco consumption. To help you, we present 6 foods that fight fatty liver.

Fatty liver is a disorder that develops when the organ begins to have difficulty performing its normal functions, due to the build-up of fatty acids. It happens more often in patients who have obesity, alcoholism, or type 2 diabetes  and are not taking good care of themselves. As well as in people who follow a diet high in fat, and unhealthy.

At first, fatty liver may be asymptomatic, but gradually it triggers symptoms such as abdominal pain, a feeling of fatigue, bloating, among others. When it is detected early enough and eating habits are improved, it is reversible.

The 6 foods that fight fatty liver

Eating healthy is essential to fight against fatty liver. In order to know all the instructions, it is necessary to consult a doctor. On the other hand, here are some foods that you can include in your diet to provide some variety and additional nutrients that are particularly beneficial for the liver.

1. Tamarind against foie gras

In popular belief, it is said that  fruits are the best foods that fight fatty liver. These actually provide vitamins and minerals, but also dietary fiber and antioxidants that have a positive impact on health.

According to some studies, tamarind is one of the best fruits to fight against fatty liver. It is rich in fiber and unsaturated fatty acids and helps improve digestion while removing excess fat.


  • 20 tamarind leaves
  • 1 liter of water


  • Bring the water to a boil then add the leaves.
  • Let sit for 30 minutes and consume.
  • You can consume this tea both cold and hot.

Another alternative is to consume tamarind water which is prepared as follows:


  • 100 g peeled and seedless tamarind
  • 1 liter of water


  • Mix the tamarind with a cup of water.
  • Mix the mixed tamarind with the remaining water and drink.

You can add a little honey or brown sugar to make it taste nicer. You should avoid using artificial sweeteners as they only worsen the fatty liver problem.

Note: The infusion and water can be consumed at any time of the day. However, you should be aware that excessive ingestion of tamarind can cause stomach discomfort.

2. Pulses

Other foods that fight fatty liver are legumes. Being low in calories, they help fight this condition and also regulate weight. Their high fiber content also lowers cholesterol levels, another risk factor for fatty liver.

If you cook it, avoid using fine salt. Coarse salt can be used as long as there is no excess. You can also combine them with spices to enhance their taste. The only thing you need to know when consuming pulses is that you shouldn’t overdo them.

3. Strawberries against foie gras

As they are rich in vitamin C and other nutrients, strawberries are among the foods to consume in case of fatty liver. Always as part of a balanced diet which also includes other fruits.

Their taste is very pleasant and you will have no trouble consuming them. You can eat them raw, on their own or with yogurt. You can also use them to make smoothies or salads, or accompany them with cereal. Here we give you the recipe for a delicious strawberry smoothie.


  • 1 cup of clean strawberries (166 g)
  • One cup of plain, low fat yogurt (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (5 g)


  • Mix all the ingredients and consume immediately.

4. Lemon

Lemon is a food full of virtues. It is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It is considered to be one of the best foods that fight fatty liver. In the popular field, it is recommended to consume it as a drink in order to improve liver health. However, doctors warn is by no means an effective cure or treatment.

In contrast, drinking a glass of lemon juice as part of a healthy diet, in addition to being refreshing, can be positive in many ways. So you can consume it this way.

5. Whole grains against fatty liver

Foods rich in simple carbohydrates should not be consumed if one suffers from fatty liver. It doesn’t mean that you can’t eat carbohydrates. On the contrary, they are necessary to have energy and to carry out all its activities.

It is advisable to choose whole grains, which are high in fiber and facilitate fat reduction. Adding these products to your diet helps prevent spikes in sugar levels and lowers bad or LDL cholesterol.

6. Spinach

There are many benefits to eating raw spinach

Green vegetables should always be a part of your diet, especially spinach. Thanks to their high fiber content, they are ideal for the flexibility of intestinal transit. Folic acid helps regulate the functions of the liver and kidneys.

If you’re not that keen on spinach, try putting some in your smoothies to reap its benefits.

A fatty liver requires a healthy diet as soon as possible

If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver,  you should follow your doctor’s directions and at the same time maintain a healthy lifestyle. Mainly with regard to hydration and nutrition.

Remember, however, that just eating the foods mentioned above does not help prevent or cure fatty liver. However, they can contribute to good health if they are included in a healthy lifestyle.

If you have any doubts about eating a healthy, balanced diet, seek advice from your doctor or a nutritionist.

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