6 Factors That Influence The Increase In Cholesterol

Although there are aspects of cholesterol we cannot control, we can still improve certain lifestyle habits and stay active to promote its balance and thus avoid major problems.

Raised cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, is a condition that impairs cardiovascular health, since the substance remains retained in the walls of the arteries.

This lipid is secreted naturally by the liver and  participates in the cellular activity of the whole organism. In addition, it is necessary for the formation of bile acids, the production of hormones and other important tasks.

The problem occurs when the body absorbs too much bad cholesterol (LDL), or decreases its ability to synthesize it and use it properly.

As a result, the risk of arteriosclerosis increases. In more severe cases, myocardial infarctions, liver problems and other reactions that decrease the quality of life occur.

Most worrying is that many people are unaware of the disease and are unaware of the triggers for their increased cholesterol levels.

For this reason, we are going to list in this article 6 factors that in some way influence the imbalances and the increase in cholesterol levels.

1. Eating habits

factors that influence the increase in cholesterol: eating habits

Eating habits are closely linked with increasing or controlling cholesterol levels in the body.

While excessive consumption of fats and processed foods can lead to excess cholesterol build-up, a diet high in vegetables and healthy fats can make it easier to control it.

  • It is essential to revise our diet. And, of course, to identify the foods that increase this lipid in the blood.
  • For this, we should increase the consumption of omega 3, vitamin E and essential amino acids.

2. Sedentarism

Leading a sedentary lifestyle is one of the main causes of the excessive increase of bad cholesterol in the arteries.

Inactivity reduces the body’s ability to convert sources of fat into energy. Hence, this leads to the retention of bad fats.

  • Regular physical activity, for at least 30 minutes, is a habit that helps control this lipid.
  • Cardiovascular exercise, such as walking or cycling, helps reduce it considerably.

3. Overweight and obesity

factors that influence the increase in cholesterol:: overweight

People who are overweight and obese are more likely to experience excess cholesterol than others who are at a stable weight.

The accumulation of fat in the body decreases the ability to remove this lipid from the arteries.   Because of this, the tendency for plaque formation in the arteries increases.

  • It is essential to constantly monitor body weight. In case of excess, it is necessary to adopt a healthy lifestyle that facilitates its control.
  • Reducing at least 10% in body mass index helps prevent serious cardiovascular disorders.

4. Stress

Poor management of stressful episodes can become a potential cause of high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

In addition to harming emotional health, this enemy of the body can affect the processes that help remove lipid from the arteries.

On the other hand, it should be mentioned that people who suffer from it tend to choose unhealthy foods to channel stress.

For this reason, it is important to adopt daily relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.

You can also consider consuming healthy foods that promote mental well-being. This is because they improve mood without increasing the presence of this harmful lipid.

5. Excessive alcohol consumption

excessive alcohol consumption influences the increase in cholesterol

Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is a factor associated with the risk of high cholesterol. Because its toxins affect the proper functioning of the heart, arterial health and the liver.

This  prevents the optimal synthesis of cholesterol in the cells.  In addition, it generates an accumulation of harmful fats in the arteries.

  • Avoid consuming these kinds of drinks as much as possible, whatever the occasion.
  • If you have addiction problems, seek professional help to overcome them.

6. Family history

One of the other factors that we need to consider as a possible cause of high cholesterol is family or genetic history.

A person whose family members have suffered from this disorder have more than twice the risk of having it at some point in their life.

  • For this reason, a healthy lifestyle should be adopted from an early age. By trying to limit external sources of cholesterol as much as possible.
  • This should be supplemented with regular medical examinations, which can determine the severity of the problem.

Do you identify these causes? Are you worried about suffering from cholesterol build-up? Completely avoid foods that contain it and, on top of that, stay physically active and try to maintain good lifestyle habits.

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