5 Tips For Sunbathing

In the following article, we will explain in detail what you need to do when you are in the sun to achieve a beautiful tan. and healthy.

When we expose ourselves to the sun, we fill up with vitamins D. These support the care of the skin and the bone system. It is not for nothing that people appear more radiant, more joyful, vigorous and energetic. It is therefore with this objective that many decide to have tanned skin. However, there are several recommendations to consider in order to enjoy the sun.

Relax for a moment and think: do you really know how to sunbathe properly? If you’re not really sure, don’t worry. Here we will review some important aspects. For starters, let’s forget the idea that sun exposure comes down only to the summer months. Any month of the year is a good time to recharge the batteries under the rays of the sun.

Tips for when you are in the sun

1. Less time, but more often

To begin with, if we expose ourselves to the sun for a long time, we run the risk of suffering from sunstroke. This is a danger that we must avoid at all costs, since sunstroke can cause:

  • Discomforts
  • Vomiting
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Drop in blood pressure

For this reason, it is very important to stay in the sun for short periods of time. In other words, exposing yourself several times, but over short periods. We must always protect ourselves and choose places close to a shadow area, especially if we are accompanied by children. The recommended duration is 10 to 20 minutes in summer and 1.5 hours in winter.

To tan in the sun

2. Choose the best time of day

Doctors and dermatologists advise to avoid the hours when the sun’s position is highest. In reality, for our skin, it is best to sunbathe before 10 am or after 16 hours. So, in other words, it is not recommended to do it at midday hours.

We must also take into account an important fact that many people ignore. When the sky is cloudy, the sun affects us the same way it does when there are no clouds. Ultraviolet rays actually pierce them. Concretely, even if the sky is cloudy, 90% of UV rays reach us and can cause burns or even, in the long term, skin cancer.

3. Opt for adequate sun protection

Just like when we are driving we automatically put on our seat belts, when we tan we should always put on sunscreen. However, we cannot forget to protect our head and eyes. For this we will use, in addition to the cream, suitable sunglasses and a cap or hat.

To begin with, we must choose the cream according to our skin type and the UV index to which we are exposed. Nourishing and protecting the skin is essential although for many people it is an annoying and embarrassing habit. In fact, there are sunscreens that are water resistant, up to four swims lasting 20 minutes.

On the cream labels, the sun protection index SPF ( Sun Protection Factor) is clearly visible. This number indicates how long we can stay in the sun without risking burns. Therefore, we should not choose at random. In addition, it is recommended to have lotions of different indices on hand for each moment of the day.

expose yourself to the sun

4. Alternate sun and bath

When we tan, we must get into the habit of alternating sun exposure with swimming. Indeed, the water of the sea or the swimming pool helps both to hydrate the skin and to reduce the temperature of our body in a short time. In addition, being in motion also prevents the effect from being too intense.

For this reason, we advise you not to stay too long in the sun without taking a shower or taking a dip. In addition, practicing an activity such as certain games or playing sports by the sea can quickly turn out to be entertaining (rackets, football, sandcastle, etc.).

5. Hydrate

Finally, we need to emphasize the importance of proper hydration when we are out in the sun. We must drink a large amount of water in small sips spaced because the sun causes progressive dehydration in our body. For this, bringing a bottle of cold water, but not too cold either, seems to be the most practical option. We can also alternate water with juices or lemonades, among others.

Drinking water when we are out in the sun is the best remedy to avoid heatstroke, sunstroke and discomfort. In addition, it is also essential to avoid the aging of the skin which affects all those who are exposed to too much sunlight. Remember: reasonable sun exposure is a healthy and smart habit.


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