5 Spectacular Tips For People With A Slow Metabolism

Did you know that in addition to helping you wake up, coffee and green tea are great for starting your metabolism? To avoid insomnia problems, consume coffee only in the morning.

Many of us often talk about metabolism as something we wish we could control to aid in weight loss. 

Many people, who do not take care of their diet or have a sedentary lifestyle, justify their inability to lose weight with a supposedly slow metabolism.

It’s genetic, I can’t do anything about it!

It is obvious that once we reach adulthood our body changes and it is much more difficult to shed that extra fat. But there are some strategies that can help us.

When we talk about metabolism, we are referring to all of those exceptional and perfect chemical processes by which cells keep our bodies running smoothly.

We can imagine this process as a working machine that will always thank us for giving it the best “fuel”.

There are many nutrients capable of promoting this mobility, this inner energy that allows for a more active metabolism.

Today in this article, we are going to give you 5 simple tips that will help you.

1. Eat several times a day, in small amounts

It will always be better to eat 5 meals a day, with small amounts. “Stuffing” to appease a hungry hunger and inner anxiety is not good at all.

  • Never leave your home without eating breakfast, and don’t go to bed without having dinner.
  • Know that if you space your meals too much, you will suffer from sudden drops in sugar, you will be tired and in the long term, your metabolism will be slowed down.
  • The ideal is to eat the right things, a variety of balanced dishes and to satisfy your hunger between meals with fresh or dried fruit.

2. Spiciness, in the right amounts, stimulates

Do you like cayenne pepper? The chilli pepper? So add it in small amounts to your diet as it will allow you to immediately increase metabolic activity, up to 20%. 

  • This is all due to capsaicin. It is an active component which, in addition to providing this spicy taste so stimulating, allows us to attack the most immature or new fat to destroy it.

You can prepare hot dishes for yourself twice a week. This will help you lose weight and take care of your diet.

3. Say yes to protein to speed up your metabolism

Maybe this will surprise you, but yet protein helps us keep our bodies in a state of performance because it takes longer to digest and therefore requires a greater concentration of energy to be absorbed.

However, it is important to know which are the most suitable sources of protein. Think that red meat with too much fat, for example, will give you the opposite result: it will slow down your metabolism.

So, take note of the best sources of protein for building muscle, and thus speeding up the metabolic rate:

  • Chickpeas
  • Eggs
  • The salmon
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Chicken and turkey
  • The lawyers
  • Plain yogurt
  • Grapefruit
  • Chia seeds

4. The best drinks: coffee and green tea

Consumed in a balanced way and in moderation, green tea and coffee can help us speed up the metabolism.

Indeed, your breakfast will be complete as soon as you add a cup of coffee. Your brain will thank you and your basal metabolic rate. He will be instantly stimulated!

Coffee also contains several very interesting active substances:

  • Caffeine, a fabulous alkaloid for our body.
  • Theobromine and theophylline, two substances related to caffeine, which also have a stimulating effect.
  • Chlorogenic acid, a compound that allows us to absorb carbohydrates much more slowly.

For its part, green tea and its catechins promote the functioning of our liver to transform fat into energy. So don’t hesitate to have a cup in the middle of the afternoon to take advantage of its virtues.

5. The “HIIT” method: 5 minutes of high intensity exercises

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) refers to programs that combine aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise.

We already told you about this in an article called The Best Exercises For Burning Fat.

When a person is looking to lose weight, gain muscle, and speed up their metabolism , conventional aerobic exercise is not enough. 

If you want to put them into practice simply at home, take note!

  • First, start your exercise session with stretching and a warm-up.
  • Without moving or moving forward, do the same movements as if you were for a walk by raising your knees quickly. 20 seconds is enough.
  • Then do 10 flexes.
  • Then repeat the stretching exercises.
  • The next exercise is to sit on the edge of a heavy duty chair.
  • Lean back slightly.
  • Contract your abdomen, and bend your knees 90 degrees.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds.

So these are simple exercises that you can complete with other simple but intense exercises.

Just give this healthy routine 5 minutes each day.

Your metabolism will thank you for it.

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