5 Purifying Foods To Include In Your Dinners

Even if we can eat them at other times of the day, integrating these purifying foods into our dinners allows us to enjoy their effects for at night and eliminate toxins.

Incorporating these purifying foods into our diet directly improves our well-being and health. After a day of stress or heavy meals in fat, our body needs rest.

We have all returned home hungry at times. To think about these purifying foods is to imagine dishes that are tasteless, boring and directly related to a strict diet.

Nothing could be further from reality. Cleansing the body with these food options is as delicious as it is pleasurable for your stomach. The most important of all of this is that thanks to their essential components and nutrients, we will succeed in releasing the load of toxins from our liver.

And even more, we will take advantage of this last meal of the day to allow our body to purify itself during the night, in order to get up with more energy.

We invite you to take note.

The best purifying foods for your dinners

To enjoy tasty and healthy dinners, use these foods rich in detoxifying enzymes.

Thus, it is particularly important to consume organically produced foods to be able to carry out the detoxification processes in an optimal way.

In this article, we will therefore explain to you what these purifying foods are and how to consume them.

 The artichoke takes care of the liver

1. Purifying foods: artichoke for the liver

When it comes to detoxifying foods, artichoke is the most representative vegetable. In addition to being delicious, it helps heal a sick liver overloaded with fats and toxins.

  • The leaves of the artichoke are fibrous and rich in cynarin.
  • The cynarin present in the artichoke is a phenolic compound which promotes the secretion of bile. It therefore takes care of the gallbladder and allows us to regenerate the liver. 
  • Likewise, artichoke has a powerful antioxidant effect capable of protecting liver cells against foreign agents. It is anti-inflammatory, diuretic and purifying.

Ways to consume artichoke in your dinners

  • Artichokes with lemon, garlic and parsley.
  • Artichoke and celery soup.

2. Beets, a source of health

Beets are among the best purifying foods. They are very suitable for a healthy and balanced dinner and contain important substances such as the following:

  • Beet contains betaine, betalains, fiber, iron, folic acid and betanin. Essential nutrients to take care of our health and feel full.
  • In addition, beets are very rich in pectin, a fiber that allows us to eliminate toxins present in the liver.

 Beets, a source of health

How to eat beets in your dinners?

  • Nutritionists recommend that we consume beetroot rather raw to take advantage of its vitamins and minerals.

So you can prepare natural juices with carrot or apple.

  • If you prefer, you can also cut it into small pieces to make delicious salads.

3. Purifying foods: celery, the great diuretic

Celery is an excellent source of antioxidants and beneficial enzymes; not to mention its multiple vitamins such as vitamin K, C, B6 and B9, and its minerals such as potassium.

Ancient medicine has always used celery as a natural agent to take care of our heart, to increase the amount of urine and thus eliminate any disease.

It is clear that celery by itself does not cure any disease, but it does make us feel better. It takes care of our internal balance:

  • Celery is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
  • It regulates blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Celery provides us with dietary fiber and stimulates digestion and weight loss. 
  • Thanks to its flavonoids and polyphenols, we take care of the health of the liver.

Purifying foods: celery, the great diuretic

How to eat celery in your dinners

  • Plain or in salads.
  • In light soups with artichoke or squash.

4. The kiwi, a good accompaniment for dinners

It is ideal for any time of the day. But your body will thank you especially if you consume it in the evening and during your dinners.

  • The kiwi is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is good to incorporate it in your dinner, because it regulates our nervous system and it helps to ensure us a good sleep.
  • In addition, you should know that it has a high content of vitamin C. It is a wonderful component to purify the body, as well as to take care of our defenses and protect the liver.
  • One of the most interesting purifying foods is kiwi fruit. It contains a high level of fiber in its pulp which improves intestinal transit.
  • In addition, it is rich in proteolytic acid, which is very effective in the fight against high cholesterol.

 The kiwi, a good accompaniment for dinners

How to eat kiwi in your dinners?

  • Put kiwi in your salads. Mix it with spinach, nuts, salmon, cherry tomatoes and season with a little lemon juice.

5. A fennel infusion, ideal for the end of the dinner

Fennel is a plant with an anise flavor. You can find it in any natural store and it is fantastic after dinner and before going to sleep.

Here are some of the reasons why you shouldn’t miss it:

  • Fennel infusion has anti-inflammatory properties that help us reduce the swelling of the belly and improve digestion. 
  • It is purifying and diuretic.
  • It takes care of liver function and metabolism.
  • Fennel has a high content of calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins C and B3.
  • It is excellent for regulating anxiety and for promoting more suitable and restorative rest.

So don’t hesitate to make your dinners a better time to take care of your health and well-being.

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