5 POWERFUL Ways To Prevent Dementia

To prevent dementia and enjoy better mental health, it is fundamental to put stress and worry aside, in addition to stimulating our brain every day , in different ways.

The impact of dementia on the population will grow more and more in the coming decades. How can we prevent dementia in our everyday life?

It is not about being fatalistic. We are talking about a reality of which we must be aware and to which we must be made aware. This can be explained very simply.

Life expectancy is getting longer. This implies that we are going to have an increasingly large elderly population in which the risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or other related types of dementia is almost inevitable.

It is therefore a reality which, until a few decades ago, was not so common.

It is necessary to take joint action. Medical and scientific institutions must develop new treatments as well as early detection mechanisms.

In addition, social organizations are obliged to put in place adequate measures of care for these patients, in order to guarantee them a life of dignity and in suitable conditions.

From an individual point of view, we also have a clear responsibility: to take care of ourselves and to put in place certain strategies to prevent dementia.

It is worth taking this into account. Even if we don’t avoid the risk 100%, we will control a significant percentage of it. The one that depends exclusively on our lifestyle.

1. Prevent dementia with mental stimulation: no, sudoku is not enough

Brain stimulation is essential in preventing cognitive deterioration.

We are talking about this wonderful ability of our brain: neuroplasticity. It allows us to continue to make connections and build new neural tissue.

But if you think that it can only be solved by doing crossword puzzles or sudoku puzzles, you are wrong.

  • To prevent dementia, we need to stimulate our social interactions. We need communication, challenges, new learning, to broaden perspectives, to laugh, to discuss and to be inspired by the people around us.
  • The brain lights up with new learning (and the more complex the better). Learning to play an instrument after age 60 is wonderful for cognitive health.

2. Prevent dementia with omega-3 fatty acids

Prevent dementia with omega 3 acids.

Fish oil is one of the best foods for our brains. As well as nuts, avocados or any other food rich in omega-3 acids.

  • This type of natural element improves cognitive function, takes care of our heart and prevents age-related neurodegeneration.
  • It is never too much to make changes in your diet and introduce those foods or vitamin supplements in which omega-3s are present.

3. The link between aspirin and brain health

Some observational studies as well as articles such as the one published in the British journal Telegraph indicate that long-term aspirin consumption is linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Aspirin, taken in small amounts and from a certain age, protects brain cells.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) reduces inflammation in muscles and joints. It also prevents brain degeneration and neuron death.
  • Aspirin thins the blood and therefore helps us prevent heart attacks as well as strokes.
  • It is neither more nor less about starting to take an aspirin every day.

Neurologists are able to assess our personal characteristics and our level of risk to decide whether or not to take a small tablet of aspirin each day.

6. Exercise and the Mediterranean diet

Prevent dementia with the Mediterranean diet.

This good diet, in addition to containing omega-3 fatty acids, is rich in fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and dried fruits.

  • In addition, having a small glass of wine every day helps take care of our heart and brain health.
  • The Mediterranean diet is the best diet that one can apply in life.
  • Olive oil, rice and the absence of processed foods in favor of seasonal and most natural foods possible helps to bring a torrent of wonderful minerals, vitamins and antioxidants to our body for better health. health.
  • Also, remember: to take maximum care of your quality of life and prevent dementia, physical exercise is essential.

Say yes to daily activity, yes to walking, yes to swimming. Yes to dancing, yes to the bicycle, yes to the stairs and yes to the walk after eating rather than on television.

5. If you want to prevent dementia, take care of your heart

Throughout this article, we have focused on all the dimensions that take care of the brain. To facilitate its neuronal connectivity, its agility and to obtain the nutrients that prevent age-related degeneration.

But there is another factor that should not be overlooked. If we don’t take care of our heart, the brain also loses strength, health and stamina …

Hence the fundamental interest in paying attention to the following indicators:

  • Control your cholesterol levels
  • Monitor your sugar levels
  • Take care of your arterial health
  • Avoid overweight

Finally, and this is no less important, it is essential to properly manage our emotional world which can cause health problems.

Stress and anxiety are great enemies of the brain and heart.

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