5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Symptoms Of Pharyngitis

Symptoms of pharyngitis can be numerous, ranging from inflammation of the tonsils to difficult swallowing to fever. This is why it is ideal to be able to treat this ailment with some natural remedies.

The symptoms of pharyngitis range from fever to sore throat, discomfort and general pain. It is caused by bacteria, which is why its main treatment is through antibiotics prescribed by our doctor.

Bacterial agents like group A streptococcus and Pfeiffer’s bacillus have a lot to do with the onset of pharyngitis. Complicated, right? In summary: Pharyngitis is caused by the inflammation of the lining that covers the pharynx when it comes into contact with certain viruses.

Even if a visit to the doctor is necessary, it is also very useful to know how to relieve the symptoms by using certain natural remedies. So take note!

5 natural remedies to relieve pharyngitis symptoms

young girl suffering from pharyngitis
There are some natural remedies that can help relieve the symptoms of pharyngitis.

In many cases, the constant or very frequent consumption of certain types of drugs makes us develop over time a resistance or a tolerance to its components and they no longer work in our body. It is for this reason that we have thought of 5 natural remedies that can relieve pharyngitis symptoms quickly.

  1. Baking soda

Bicarbonate has antiseptic and calming properties, ideal for treating inflammation of the tonsils or throat. You just have to pour a spoonful of this component into a small bottle of water and then shake well. No Gargle for 1 minute, spit and repeat.

  1. Lemon and honey

Probably  the best natural combination for fighting colds and infections is lemon and honey. This remedy is perfect for disinfecting and slightly reducing inflammation in the affected area. In addition, honey is a powerful expectorant; its consumption is recommended to remedy dry and oily coughs, as well as other respiratory problems.

  • Squeeze 2 lemons into a cup and add 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Drink this drink in the morning, but also before going to bed at night to be able to rest well.
  • If the flavor seems strong, add a little water.
  1. Soft diet

soft diet is a good option when suffering from pharyngitis
One of the symptoms of pharyngitis is difficulty swallowing solid food.

One of the most famous symptoms of pharyngitis is difficult swallowing, that is, not being able to swallow, or having difficulty swallowing solid foods. We therefore recommend that you follow a soft diet if this is your case. We are referring to soups, juices, milkshakes and creams.

  • Vegetable creams are great for fueling you while also making swallowing easier.
  • If you have a fever, we recommend that you stay hydrated and consume soups or chicken broth. Obviously, see a doctor if you consider your temperature to be too high.
  • Cold milkshakes provide some relief from the irritation and itching, but try to make them with fruits, especially citrus fruits, as they contain vitamin C.
  1. Blueberries

Blueberries contain anti inflammatory properties that help improve swallowing of food when suffering from pharyngitis. You can prepare them as porridge, juice or milkshakes with one or two cups of blueberries and a little water. Try not to use sugar; if the flavor seems too bland, add a little honey or stevia.

  1. Vinegar


Although it is not necessarily pleasant to drink it, vinegar is antiseptic and antibacterial. This is why it is very effective in treating an infection of the tonsils, especially when pus has formed in the area.

You just need to pour 4 tablespoons of vinegar into a glass of water. Then gargle for 30 seconds and spit it out.

  1. Oxygenated water

It is one of the most effective remedies for removing infection from tonsils. When there is pus, it should be taken care of with special attention, as it means that the infection has spread.

  1. Wet a cotton swab with a little hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Clean the infected area of ​​pus, taking great care not to injure yourself.
  3. Once you’ve removed most of the pus, stop.
  4. Repeat as much as needed until all of the pus is gone.
  5. Lukewarm water and salt

Salt contains sodium, and it is an excellent antibacterial component for treating infections of the pharynx. This remedy helps to eliminate microorganisms.

Take a glass of lukewarm water and pour in a spoonful of salt. Mix well so that the salt is diluted and gargle for a minute. Then spit it out and repeat the process one or more times.


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