5 Natural Remedies To Lower Blood Pressure

Urine helps the body to eliminate substances that could raise blood pressure. Consider reducing your salt intake, as it helps retain fluids, and eat fruits and vegetables that are high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Blood pressure can be reduced naturally. We are going to present you 5 ways to do it, and all of them are very simple!

High blood pressure or hypertension (hypertension) is considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases for humans. It is therefore a major public health problem.

In fact, it is mainly a continuous increase in blood pressure on the arteries. This causes serious complications and can even lead to the death of patients.

One of the characteristic features of this disease is that it is often asymptomatic! On the other hand, its treatment is very simple.

However, we can find some symptoms, such as palpitations, headaches, sweating, rapid pulse, nausea, stress, fatigue. You may also hear ringing in the ears, have redness on the face, etc.

1. Garlic

Experts strongly suggest consuming garlic. Because it is a natural remedy for high blood pressure.

2. Dark chocolate for lowering blood pressure

Dark chocolate helps reduce blood pressure.

Several studies have been carried out on chocolate. They show that consuming dark chocolate has positive effects in reducing high blood pressure.

This is mainly because chocolate contains flavonoids. It is a very important part of keeping your heart in good condition. However, experts recommend consuming small doses of dark chocolate.

3. Parsley and lemon

A milkshake or juice made with a whole lemon, including zest, and parsley, has very strong diuretic effects. Through urine, the body eliminates substances that can raise blood pressure.

This is why we recommend drinking a glass of lemon juice with parsley in the morning, on an empty stomach. You can also squeeze the juice of a lemon into a cup of lukewarm water to drink it on an empty stomach.

4. Oats to reduce blood pressure

Oats are another natural product which, thanks to its components, can be of great help in reducing high blood pressure or hypertension!

It contains a significant amount of soluble fiber, and it is these that significantly lower bad cholesterol levels. As we know, this type of cholesterol has a really big impact on the increase in pressure.

The most recommended is to eat an oatmeal dish for breakfast. This way, we fight two problems at the same time!

5. Lavender, marjoram and jojoba to reduce blood pressure

Lavender, marjoram and jojoba to reduce blood pressure.

We also recommend that you prepare a solution with ten drops of lavender and marjoram essential oil, as well as 20 ml of jojoba oil.

Use this mixture to massage the chest, slowly and in a circular fashion. It is best to do this in the evening.

Finally, we also want to give you some other very important recommendations. They must be taken into account to avoid hypertension.

  • Significantly reduce salt consumption,
  • Eat fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium.
  • Avoid stressing yourself.
  • Perform relaxing exercises.
  • And above all, follow a medical check-up to reduce blood pressure.

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