5 Mistakes We Make When Washing Ourselves

There is nothing more normal, and healthier, than taking a bath or a shower to wash yourself.

However, we tend to do some things wrong that can make this experience unpleasant and harmful.

This may seem strange to you because there is nothing more relaxing, more pleasant and more hygienic than taking a good shower in the morning. Or a good bath with essential oils in the evening, to go to bed in the best possible conditions.

We will therefore explain to you, below, the mistakes we tend to make when washing.

1. Do not take a very hot shower or bath.wash

There is nothing more pleasant than taking a good hot bath when you come home from work, to relax well.

However, what if the bath temperature is very high? Or if we take a hot shower for 15 or 20 minutes?

  • You run the risk of heat shock when getting out of your shower or bath, and you may pass out. 
  • Hot water can cause you to lose some of your essential oils, which your skin needs to keep itself smooth and hydrated.
    It opens the pores of the skin, and can damage it by causing it to lose its elasticity.
  • The best thing to do is not to stay under hot water for too long. 5 to 6 minutes is more than enough.
    Then continue to wash at a warmer temperature without getting burned!

2. Dry yourself properly

Some people get out of the bath or shower, grab their towel, and dry off in a vigorous and vigorous manner.

If the towel is too dry, this gesture can cause severe irritation on the skin, and damage it. 

The ideal is to use a soft towel. It will allow you to dry yourself using small, delicate circular movements, to remove excess moisture without ever rubbing.

Bathrobes are a great way to dry off without damaging the skin. They wrap it delicately while absorbing excess water.

3. Pay attention to your towels

The main danger with towels is not that they are too dry and irritate the skin.

The major problem is that they become the vacation spot for various bacteria and other germs.

Indeed, if you do not dry them well, moisture will settle in their fibers and cause the development of microorganisms.

Often the towels don’t smell good. They are sometimes too old, completely saturated with chemicals from laundry detergents, and cause allergic reactions on the skin.

The ideal is to change them frequently, to avoid health problems that could ruin your life.

4. Don’t use too much soap

You don’t have to shower the same whether you take your usual morning shower, or come back from a workout where you sweated a lot.

It all depends on each person, but soaps too rich in perfume should not be used, as they often contain alcohol and other chemicals that can alter the pH of the skin.

The function of this pH is to protect us against attacks from external agents such as mites, bacteria or any other type of microorganism.

The best option is to use a reasonable amount of soap, which you should mix with water. In addition, we recommend that you prefer natural soaps to industrial soaps.

5. Take care of your spongeswash

This information is quite astonishing, but it is worth taking it into account.
According to many dermatologists, it is better to use a sponge than twice a week for washing.

Then, it is important to dry them in the sunlight after using them, to avoid colonization by mold, which could cause infections, fungi or folliculitis. 

  • The most practical is to apply the soap by hand, and in reasonable amounts, as we explained to you previously.
    You can use a soap made from glycerin and oats, which will allow you to take care of your whole body on a daily basis, without using a sponge.
  • Exfoliate yourself with a sponge twice a week, like the loofah sponge, which we have told you about in other articles.
    In this way, you will eliminate the dead cells from your skin, and restore its natural balance.

Keep all of these quick tips in mind the next time you go for a wash. You will love taking care of your skin!

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