5 Low Carb Foods

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be an impossible challenge if we know how to make the right food choices. If you go for low carb foods, you can even lose weight. Discover today in this article 5 low carbohydrate foods and take care of your health.

Today, we know that a low-carb diet promotes weight loss faster than a low-fat diet. Therefore, it is important to know about low carbohydrate foods to facilitate the development of healthy meals and menus.

Carbohydrates, along with proteins and lipids, are essential components of living beings and their nutrition, because they are one of the main biological intermediates for the storage and consumption of energy.

Carbohydrates are one of the macronutrients that form the base of the nutritional pyramid. However, when it comes to losing weight, it is necessary to limit their intake and choose foods that provide them in minimum amounts. Eating a diet low in this nutrient also produces other benefits for the body. Indeed, it is advised to reduce the risk of cardiovascular accident which often results from obesity.

Contrary to popular belief , foods low in carbohydrates or low carbohydrates are not necessarily unpleasant or difficult to include in a healthy diet. In general, it all depends on how you prepare them and your actual intention to improve your habits. As you follow a low-carbohydrate diet, it’s important to learn to identify which foods to eat and which foods to avoid or limit.

Find out now which foods contain the least carbohydrates and take care of your figure and your health.

1. Eggs are low in carbohydrates

Are you surprised to find that eggs are one of the low carb foods ? Well don’t be because the amount of carbohydrate in eggs is practically zero. In fact, the yolk of the egg is high in zeaxanthin, lutein, and cholesterol, which helps your eye health.

The recommendation is to eat one egg every day or two every three days. When preparing them, it is not necessary to avoid the yolk but to consume the eggs with a good portion of vegetables. Just make sure you don’t add too much fat when cooking.

Some good recipe options include the following:

  • Spinach omelet
  • Scrambled eggs with ham
  • Mexican eggs

2. Broccoli is low in carbohydrates

broccoli is low in carbohydrates

Do you usually eat crunchy foods to sometimes satisfy your cravings? In this case, you should know that a good alternative is broccoli.

As well as being one of the foods with the least amount of carbohydrates, it tastes great. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that you can eat cooked or raw. Plus, it only has 6 grams of carbs per cup.

Broccoli provides a formidable panel of nutrients, among which we can mention those which are present in large quantities: vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. It also contains dietary fiber, selenium and lutein. Its richness in folic acid, iron and vitamin A is also important.

Broccoli is particularly rich in:

  • Vitamin C
  • Fibers
  • Vitamin K

The antioxidant properties of this cruciferous vegetable allow us to detoxify our body and be in better shape. It has the ability to stimulate our liver activity and purify our blood, which results in healthier skin, denser hair and reduced skin problems (acne, dryness, spots, wrinkles).

For this reason, broccoli is a great option when looking to make a light dinner. Find out how to use broccoli for a full, delicious and super healthy dinner with the following recipe:


  • 10 broccoli
  • 1 slice of manchego or similar cheese
  • 1 pinch of salt


  • Boil the broccoli as you like (preferably steamed or boiled) with salt.
  • When the broccoli is cooked or al dente, place it on a plate.
  • Cover the broccoli with the cheese of your choice and let it sit for 2 minutes or until the cheese is completely melted.
  • Enjoy these delicious cheesy broccoli for dinner.

As you can see, this broccoli recipe is a really quick and easy option. There is no problem if you do not know how to cook well because you certainly have what you need at home to make this delicious dish.

3. Salmon is low in carbohydrates

Another food low in carbohydrates is fish. Often recommended in weight loss diets, salmon for example may suit you perfectly. Indeed, salmon is completely free of carbohydrates and rich in omega 3 fatty acids. On the other hand, by consuming salmon, you will get large amounts of vitamin B12 and vitamin D3.

Salmon is therefore ideal when it comes to strengthening the brain with all of its nutrients. It improves activity and helps prevent fatigue from overwork which can lead to stress. Finally, salmon improves the appearance of skin and hair thanks to the omega 3 content which gives them shine and strength.

Finally, the advantage of including fish in your diet is that you will have fairly complete dishes that will provide you with many vitamins and other nutrients without too many carbohydrates. This fatty or blue fish has been used a lot in gastronomy since antiquity. Salmon, in addition to containing high nutritional value, has a delicious flavor capable of delighting any palate.

We recommend that you avoid cooking the salmon with butters, fatty foods and not frying it. To get the most out of salmon, we recommend consuming it with a good serving of vegetables. To add a touch of flavor, you can add spices or herbs, while avoiding fat.

Cutting back on carbohydrates in your diet will not only allow you to lose weight more easily, but also prevent multiple health problems. It is not a question of eliminating them, but of choosing the right ones.

4. Soy is low in carbohydrates

Another low-carbohydrate food is soy and its derivatives. For example, tofu or soy cheese is a food of Chinese origin, made from the curdling of soy milk. It is a white, soft, slightly odorous paste with a rather neutral taste, constituting an important basis of the Asian diet, and also consumed by people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.

The amount of carbohydrates depends on the form of soy you are consuming. Note the following proportions:

  • 10 grams of extra firm tofu equals 2 grams of carbohydrate.
  • 1 cup of soy milk (250 ml) is roughly 4 grams of carbohydrate.
  • 1 cup of soy (175 g) will be equivalent to: 14 grams of carbohydrate.

When buying soy and its derivatives, try to choose the most natural and healthy options. Check that these products do not contain ingredients that consist of too many carbohydrates. You can be sure of this by reading the label and calculating the servings.

Eating a diet that aims to reduce carbohydrates helps with weight loss and also lowers the risk of cardiovascular problems in obese teens. The most important thing is to develop good habits and correct unhealthy ones.

 5. Low-carb peanut cream

low carb peanut cream

Are you having trouble managing your sugar cravings? How do you include foods that are low in carbs, sweet and creamy? If you like this idea, try getting some peanut butter or making it yourself at home.

This food provides only 7 grams of carbohydrate per serving. As for the healthiest part, you will get 7 grams of protein and 16 grams of healthy fat. We recommend that you include this peanut cream to replace honey, liquid chocolate or maple syrup in your desserts. Also note that foods containing dietary fiber prolong the feeling of fullness and help restore glucose levels to calm sugar cravings.

Sugar is extremely addictive. Many of the foods we eat contain sugar without being aware of it. These foods are more appetizing, richer for our palate. Sugar is not a positive substance for our body. The problem is, it’s not just found in sugary drinks, juices, or baked goods. It is also often used in the preparation of other products considered healthy.

What do you think of this list of low carb ingredients? We’re sure they’re delicious, convenient, and easy to add to your daily menu options. Share these recommendations with your friends and family and let us know which are your favorites!

Eating a low-carb diet can help you lose weight more easily. Among other things, it promotes metabolic health and hyperglycemia control. Adopting a low-carb diet is one of the current trends in healthy weight loss.

This method involves minimizing foods that contain this nutrient, opting for minimum intake sources such as fruits and vegetables. What differentiates this diet the most from others is that it involves a very comprehensive eating plan, as it only offers to cut carbs, but does not eliminate them altogether.

What are the advantages ? How to plan the menus? Find out more in this article and take care of your health.


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