5 Key Words To Educate Your Children

Although our greatest fear is that we will not meet the needs of children throughout their lives, we cannot be “the perfect parents”. You just need to be good guides, supports.

Educating children is not that easy. Educating children is not easy. No parent has the perfect textbook to educate a child to be a happy, independent adult.

This is, no doubt the expectation of any educator, and what every parent desires for their child. We make mistakes, and in some cases we cannot keep to what we set out to do.

However, we should not be obsessed with the idea of ​​solving every problem our child faces. Sometimes it is better to give them the keys and the strategies so that they can find the right solution on their own.

Today we’re going to tell you which words are most suitable for children, which ones they can and want to hear.

1. Trust yourself

Having confidence in our children is an essential basis for them to grow up with security and autonomy.

We have already told you about the risks of over-protection. Indeed, it is an inappropriate educational model, in which we prevent children from having their own learning opportunities.

We have absolute control over them in many areas of life and therefore this prevents them from flourishing.

The phrase “I trust you” should make them feel responsible very early on. To make them understand that they have our unconditional support in order to live the first stages of their life in an environment in which they feel safe.

2. Think

5 key words to educate your children: think

“Think about how this child can feel when you insult him”. “Think about what happens when you treat someone badly”. “Feel your joy when you manage to build something for yourself”. “Feel your well-being when you hug your grandparents and tell them that you love them”…

Life doesn’t just mean thinking about what we want or what we have.

It’s not just about accumulating things, but also about feeling good about what we achieve every day. To enjoy friends, family, pets, etc.

Children must learn from a young age the importance of “feeling their life to the fullest, with happiness and integrity”.

3. Understand

Our children need to learn from a young age the importance of understanding others and putting themselves in their shoes. Intellectual knowledge must balance with emotional intelligence.

It is not a question of understanding only educational concepts, such as knowing how to multiply, knowing how to understand the ideas of a text, etc.

We also need to ensure that our children understand the complex world of emotions. That they respect them and that they know how to clearly express their emotions, what worries them, what they need, etc.

4. Sharing

5 key words to educate your children: sharing

“Share your happiness, build positive relationships with the people around you. By taking advantage of what you have, but also by accepting that others can bring you something ”.

If we pass this essential pillar on to our children, we will avoid having selfish children who think only of themselves and who put their own needs before those of others.

If they learn to share, they will have more intimate social bonds. They will therefore have good friends and, tomorrow, they will also build healthier emotional bonds.

5. Like

To educate your children in happiness, you must not only be successful in making them love those around them and who care for them, but it is also vital that they learn to love themselves.

Self-esteem is very important for growing up with security and maturity. Loving yourself and being able to give love to others is, without a doubt, a basis for developing emotional intelligence in children.

Love, trust, sharing and understanding are key concepts in the growth of your children so that, tomorrow, they become happy adults.  

Educating children is a daily adventure that must be undertaken with patience, commitment and love.

You don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes. Because no one is perfect when it comes to giving advice or setting an example.

The most important thing is that our children know at all times that we love them and that we will support them in whatever they do.

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