5 Foods To Avoid For Breakfast

These foods, while not good for us, have become habits for many in the early hours of the day. This is why we have such a hard time ousting them.

We have already talked about the importance of breakfast for your body. Today we want to tell you about the foods you should avoid for the first meal of the day.

Since this meal aims to provide us with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, we must be careful what we put in it.

Otherwise, you could consume things that lead to the plagues of today’s society: obesity, undernutrition and hunger after just a few hours.

Today, it is very common to consume foods that are lacking in nutrients or that are too heavy to digest, and that make you feel tired and moody.

When we sleep, our body is technically fasting, that is, it repairs and detoxifies itself, which is broken by breakfast, when we give it the first bite of food. .

Take note of the following foods and eliminate them completely from your morning menu.

1. Artificial or processed fruit juicebreakfast

Let’s start with a food that is very common for breakfast. We see it as something normal because we drink it from a very young age.

The confidence in this drink is mainly due to its labels which say “full of vitamins”.

Still, these drinks are full of sugar, artificial flavors, and colorings. We know this is an unhealthy mixture for the body.

On the other hand, pasteurized juices are not well assimilated by the body as they can increase blood sugar levels.

If you really want a fruity drink, you better make your own juice with just one serving of fruit.

We know this is enough, but remember that even natural juices contain a lot of sugar in the form of fructose.

For something thicker, go for smoothies!

2. Yogurt “with commercial taste”

Another very common breakfast food is yogurt because it is derived from milk. And so we think it’s healthy and nutritious.

However, commercial yogurt with added flavors should be avoided because:

  • It causes the release of mucous membranes, and makes mucus appear.
  • It is loaded with sugar and artificial components.

So opt for plain yogurt. You can make it at home or buy it at the supermarket as long as you make sure you read the label. It should not contain sugar or chemicals.

If you want something flavorful, mix a cup of natural yogurt with a serving of fruit.

3. Processed meats

All meats like bacon, ham and sausages are harmful to health, although in theory they are dietetic.

Most of these foods are high in sodium and saturated fat.

In addition, your digestive system has a hard time digesting them, resulting in a feeling of fatigue and heaviness, which is not at all pleasant if you have to be active all day long.

Instead of consuming these processed meats, we suggest consuming chicken, eggs, or any type of lean meat accompanied by a serving of vegetables.

4. Cereal boxesbreakfast

It’s a classic that, like juices, uses advertising to make us believe that these cereals will give us lots of energy all day long.

The problem is, they cause fatigue and heaviness, and it’s best to avoid them in the morning.

These products are rich in sugars, artificial colors and flavor enhancers. Like juices, they are not recommended in the morning.

When we mix these cereals with animal milk, we get a fatal mix to start the day.

It is better to replace this breakfast with natural and organic cereals. For example, you can make oats, homemade granola bars or wholemeal bread.

If you want to add milk, choose one of plant origin such as soy, almond or coconut milk.

5. Maple syrup pancakes

It is the favorite dish of many people because it is delicious especially with maple syrup and a touch of butter.

However, although they are excellent and give us a feeling of fullness, they are not good for breakfast.

The dough with which they are prepared is full of refined flour and they contain a lot of sugar, which will put you in a state of lethargy a few hours after breakfast. 

  • If the idea of ​​completely eliminating them from your breakfast doesn’t appeal to you, at least replace the commercial flour with oatmeal.
  • Regarding the sugar, replace it with pieces of fruit directly in the dough.

We are not telling you to never eat these foods, but we only advise you to try reducing them for a more balanced life.

You can consume these products once a week at most.

The rest of the time, eat a healthy breakfast free from these foods.

We know that healthy living can be more difficult, but it is very rewarding.

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