4 Natural Solutions To Do Away With Dark Circles

Dark circles can end up undermining our self-esteem, but getting rid of them can be much easier than you think with the help of a series of natural solutions.

Beauty is an important aspect of everyday life: we are talking about the beauty that everyone radiates in a natural way. We want to explain here how to get rid of dark circles.

When we talk about natural beauty we emphasize what we pass on to others through care. This can be expressed and obtained through countless beneficial treatments for the skin and the body.

It is, for example, relevant to fight a public enemy of facial beauty, dark circles. Dark circles are characterized by dark furrows located on the lower part of the eyelids. They can be blue, coffee or purple in color.

Dark circles do not hurt and are nothing serious. The main factors causing dark circles are:

  • advanced age, the more years pass, the more blood circulation in this area decreases;
  • fatigue, the body loses the ability to renew cellular tissues.
  • genetic factors
  • fluid retention
  • absence of oxygen in the body’s cells (a factor favored by the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and coffee)

1. Cucumber, a natural solution to do away with dark circles

Cucumber slices

Cucumber is one of the foods most used in beauty treatments. The reason is as follows: it contains caffeic acid, ascorbic acid, and vitamin C.

These elements are responsible for maintaining healthy skin, reducing irritation and reducing inflammation.


  • 2 slices of cucumber


  • Wash your face properly, especially the area of ​​dark circles.
  • Place the cucumber slices on the dark circles, one on each eye.
  • Leave on for about ten minutes to achieve the desired effect.
  • After this time, clean the area.

2. Chamomile

We can find chamomile in different forms. It is a very beneficial plant for health with anti-inflammatory properties.


  • 2 chamomile tea bags 


  • Cleanse your face well, especially the dark circles area.
  • Place a chamomile tea bag on each eye and leave it on for about ten minutes.
  • Rinse the area with plenty of lukewarm water.
  • It is recommended to do this at least twice a week.

3. Milk

Glass of milk

This food has many benefits for the body.

Here it is not a question of drinking it but of applying it to the eyes to reduce dark circles.


  • 2 cups of fresh milk (500 ml)
  • 2 cotton discs


  • Wash your face well before applying this natural solution.
  • Soak the cotton wool and place them on the eyes for about ten minutes. 
  • Rinse your face with lukewarm water.

4. Water

Although this is one of the less discussed solutions, it is also very effective.

In general, this trick is recommended for people with very delicate skin.


  • 1 glass of fresh water (200 ml)
  • 2 cotton discs


  • Wash your face well.
  • Soak the cotton pads in water and place them over the eyes for about ten minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

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