4 Keys Of Feng Shui For Your Interior

Feng Shui is based on obtaining a harmonious space in which chi energy can circulate in a positive way. To this end, small changes in the decoration or orientation of our furniture can have a positive impact on our well-being.

The Feng Shui is more than a few changes to improve the decor of your home or fashion recently arrived from the East. On the contrary, it is an ancestral art whose main objective is balance and harmony in the different spaces of the house. Do you know how to give touches of Feng Shui to your interior?

In this article, we give you some tips for applying Feng Shui in your home, especially in the living room, kitchen and bedroom. Do not miss them !

An ancestral art


Feng Shui means “wind and water”. It is an ancient Chinese art based on the theory that we should occupy spaces in a conscious and harmonious way. In this way, their harmony can be transmitted to people, improving their mood and well-being.

According to this theory, there is an energy called chi . In turn, the chi can be altered by objects in space, directions, etc. The objective is to achieve an arrangement of the different spaces so that the chi can circulate correctly, permeating the environment and those who live there with positivity.

Therefore, for Feng Shui , certain elements or concepts are essential. Among them, it is necessary to underline the yin and the yang , that is to say the opposites without opposition, the duality of the balance.

In reality, these are two opposing concepts which are not contrary, but complementary. For example: north and south, winter and summer, man and woman, etc.

You certainly know the image of a circle whose two parts are in perfect harmony. In fact, yin and yang are the two poles of chi energy .

Some tips for adding touches of Feng Shui to your home

Our goal is to give you some tips of this ancient art to harmonize your home. To do this, in addition to ensuring the balance between yin and yang , there are other aspects that you should consider as well.

1. The five elements

The chi is expressed through the elements: water, fire, earth, metal and wood. So, we have to combine the elements and objects of these characteristics to achieve the right harmony in our house:

  • For example, we can include an aquarium or fish tank in the living room to include the water element.
  • In addition, we can put one or more flowerpots, so that we also include the wood.
  • Good lighting will symbolize the presence of fire in the room.
  • Certain decorative objects (silver, gold, etc.) will provide us with the metal.
  • Finally, we can also include the earth with some clay objects to decorate.

2. Add Feng Shui touches to your interior: the importance of the entrance

Give touches of Feng Shui in the entrance hall

The entrance to the house is the entrance to chi . It is the entry point for all that is negative and positive, so we must give it special attention.

In this sense, we must include welcoming elements in the entrance. It is therefore ideal to place plants and flowers or family photos. In addition, you should use soft and pleasant colors that provide light and balance.

On the other hand, we need to properly illuminate the room. This is because chi does not circulate properly in dark and shady places.

3. Chi in the kitchen

The chi circulates throughout the house and through all beings and objects inside. This is why, even when you are cooking, chi is leaking into the foods and meals you prepare. We must therefore ensure that the energy in this room of the house is optimal.

To do this, keep in mind:

  • First of all, the fire (kitchen) and the water (sink, dishwasher) must not be directly opposite each other.
  • This opposition can be harmonized by including the element of wood. A good idea is to place pots in the kitchen or to include the color green.
  • On the other hand, the fire (oven, stove, hotplates) should not be the first thing you find when you open the door.

4. Add Feng Shui touches to your interior: the bed in the bedroom

There are many Feng Shui touches that can be brought to the bedroom

Rest is important. For this reason, the location of the bed in a bedroom is fundamental, as it will allow chi to flow in a positive or negative way, allowing for proper rest.

Let’s see some tips:

  • First of all, the bed should be located as far as possible from the front door of the bedroom.
  • In addition, it is important that there are no large lamps or fans above the bed. It could be understood as a threat.
  • On the other hand, if there are mirrors in the bedroom, it is advisable to place them so that the sleeping person does not reflect in them.
  • Finally, the bed should not be aligned with the door.

Here are some tips to help you add a Feng Shui touch to your home. However, this ancient art, although pseudo-scientific, can offer many other tips to achieve a harmonious environment where chi circulates in a positive way.

Perhaps this belief will influence your mood and, as a result, your well-being and balance.


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