4 Healthy Ways To Cook Eggs

To avoid excess calories when preparing fried eggs, we can cook them with a little water in a non-stick pan. If we accompany them with vegetables, we will have a super healthy dish.

Even though eggs have a bad reputation because of their cholesterol content, many studies have shown that it is a very healthy food that should be included in all types of diets.

It integrates perfectly with many dishes, as it can be eaten scrambled, fried, hard or as an omelet, as well as in many other recipes.

Eggs bring many benefits to our body, and experts recommend eating them for breakfast to get the most out of all of its properties.

In this article, we’re going to share with you the main benefits of eating eggs, and the healthiest ways to cook it on a daily basis.

The benefits of eating eggs

Unlike what was said a few years ago, it is now accepted that eggs have excellent health benefits and can be eaten on a regular basis.

This food, which is an integral part of our diet, is rich in proteins, vitamins and contains many nutrients essential for the well-being of our body.

  • They give us energy:  the egg is rich in protein, and the fat it contains provides our body with the energy necessary for us to be able to carry out all our daily activities.
    Eating eggs, especially for breakfast, makes us feel full and decreases the urge to eat more calories in the morning.
  • They help us lose weight:  this benefit is directly related to the previous one. Indeed, to lose weight, it is essential to eat satiating foods.
    Eggs give us a feeling of fullness that lasts longer than that provided by many other foods. It is therefore an ideal ally to avoid snacking on high-calorie foods.
  • They’re great for memory:  a nutrient in eggs called hill is able to stimulate the development of brain function.
    Thanks to this substance, the consumption of eggs helps to strengthen memory and improve the senses.

Other benefits:

  • They protect eyesight:  the egg contains two antioxidants, called lutein and zeaxanthin, which are directly related to enhanced protection of eyesight against damage caused by UV rays.
    Regular consumption of eggs can reduce the risk of suffering from cataracts.
  • They improve our physical appearance:  the consumption of eggs plays an important role in the healthy growth of nails and hair, but also in the health of the skin.
    This benefit is due to the content of this food in vitamin E, and other nutrients essential to our good health.

What are the healthiest ways to cook eggs?

Eat eggs.

As we told you before, they can be prepared in multiple ways. To make the most of all their benefits.

In the rest of this article, we’ll give you some recipe ideas. So that you can cook them in a healthy way.

Hard-boiled eggs

Put the eggs to boil in water, without adding fat. A large hard-boiled egg can contain up to 5.3 grams of fat. 6 grams of protein, 186 milligrams of cholesterol and 78 calories.

To make it very hard, let it cook for 10 minutes over low heat. When it’s ready, you can eat it directly on wholemeal bread, or add it to a salad.

Scrambled eggs

Eat scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs are one of the easiest and delicious ways to prepare this food.

Instead of using fat or milk, you can opt to use a little water. As well as a non-stick pan to prevent them from sticking.

In this way, an egg provides only 17 calories, 3.6 grams of protein, and almost no fat.

If you want to vary this recipe, you can add mushrooms, onions, spinach or tomatoes, among others.

Poached eggs

Unlike hard-boiled eggs, when poached, they are cooked in water, but without their shell.

Poached eggs do not contain fat, and go very well with wholemeal bread. Sautéed vegetables, or other tasty recipes.

Fried eggs

Eat fried eggs.

Fried eggs are a great, healthy and delicious option that allows for a variety of tastes and flavors.

In this case, you can use a little vegetable butter, or margarine, even a little olive oil.

The egg should only be cooked for a few minutes. So that the yolk is still well captured, to avoid any risk of salmonella.

It can be served on wholemeal bread, with cooked vegetables or potatoes.

However, avoid using creamy sauces, cheese, or other types of fatty foods to accompany them.

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