4 Breakfasts To Cleanse Your Body

Apple and carrot juice is rich in antioxidants and vitamins. In addition, it acts as a balm for the liver, which is why it is ideal for purifying our body.

Cleansing our bodies  is something we should do every day, to eliminate all the toxins that we accumulate from environmental pollution, and through our food.

Feeling heavy, having a bloated stomach is clearly a symptom that tells us that we need to cleanse ourselves. How about if we started doing it right from breakfast?

Option one: breakfast rich in vitamins

A always very appetizing alternative that will not only be good for you, but also for your whole family. Take note :

  • Grapefruit or pomelo juice
  • A bowl containing 4 strawberries cut into pieces, 2 walnuts and half a pomegranate 
  • A puffed rice cake

Pomelo juice, or grapefruit, should be as fresh as possible to allow you to get the maximum amount of vitamins, this exceptional source of antioxidants that will help you cleanse yourself well.

Paired with this bowl of strawberries, nuts and pomegranate, you will have an ideal breakfast. It will allow you to consume all the essential nutrients you will need throughout the day, in addition to totally purifying your body.

As you already know, grapefruit and strawberry take great care of our liver function, helping our liver to cleanse all toxins from our body.

If you add nuts to it, you will have minerals and omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for reducing high cholesterol levels, for example. For its part, the puffed rice cake will help you keep you in a state of satiety throughout the morning.

2. Second option: natural liver protective juice


  • Carrot and apple juice
  • A small oatmeal rusk with extra virgin olive oil 

It is an excellent choice. The combination of carrot and apple will indeed provide you with essential elements for your body, such as antioxidants and vitamins, ideal for eliminating all toxins from your body.

Carrot and apple juice acts as a real balm for your liver, and it is therefore very useful to consume it after you have binge.

So don’t hesitate, you will only have to wash an apple and two medium-sized carrots well. You don’t need to peel apples, as many of their health benefits lie in their skin. Don’t worry if they are a bit damaged. Put the ingredients in a blender with a glass of water.

You will have about a bowl of juice, which you can drink little by little while eating an oatmeal rusk with extra virgin olive oil.

3. Third option: very healthy green juice

  • Celery juice with a green apple
  • Half a pear, cut into pieces with a few grapes

An absolutely delicious alternative. If you’ve never tried it, don’t hesitate. Eating three celery leaves a day equals 5 servings of fruit.

As you already know, celery is one of the most beneficial vegetables you can find in the market. Indeed, it purifies you, helps you eliminate fat, improves your blood circulation and deflates you.

Add two celery leaves to your breakfast and half a green apple. Put everything in a blender with a glass of water. The mixture should be homogeneous. Accompany the juice of a pear cut into small pieces with a few grapes, and your meal will be more than complete.

4. Option four: a breakfast rich in antioxidantspurify

  • A natural orange juice with lemon
  • A bowl of grapes 
  • An infusion of fennel

A highly recommended option for those days when you wake up tired, feeling heavy and bloated. The ideal is therefore to start your day with a natural juice with an orange and a lemon.

Remember that it should always be as natural and fresh as possible to be delicious and bring you all its benefits.

Remove the seeds from a bunch of grapes and then put them in a bowl. 12 medium-sized grapes are sufficient, or 8 or 9 if they are large enough. Finish with a good infusion of fennel, half a cup should do the trick.

Why fennel? Because it is ideal for eliminating gas, for rebalancing your stomach and belly, thus eliminating that unpleasant feeling of heaviness. It is therefore perfect for boosting your digestive and intestinal functions, in addition to being light and delicious. The ideal food to end this simple and excellent breakfast.

Which option will you choose?

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