3 Recipes For Plant-based Milk To Taste

Plant-based drinks are a healthy and different snack option. You can also incorporate plant-based milk into your coffee, smoothies, or even vegetable soups. Let your creativity run free and your recipes can only be exquisite! 

You may be impatiently awaiting tea time. It is often difficult to resist temptation and not give in to those sweet whims that make us so crave and that are irresistible. Plant-based milk is a good alternative to relieve these cravings in a healthy way.

We invite you here to discover three healthy vegetable milk recipes that will be perfect for snack time. These recipes are ideal for people who do not consume animal products and those who are lactose intolerant. You will see that it is possible to have fun in the middle of the afternoon in a healthy and suitable way for everyone.

The key ingredients of the various plant milks that can be found in the market are oats, soybeans, quinoa, almonds and coconut. These vegetable drinks provide flavor and texture just as if it were cow’s milk.

In addition, as there are different vegetable milks, you can vary the combinations and thus bring a different touch each time to your preparations.

Coconut milk, for example, brings a special touch to more tropical preparations. Almond milk is perfect in a midday coffee.

Either way, the three recipes we offer here are all ideal for snack time. What are you waiting for to discover and test our vegetable milk recipes?

1. Almond milk, an ideal vegetable milk to taste it

vegetable milk made from almonds

Almond milk is one of the best tasting options – it’s tasty, economical, and easy to find. You will find almond milk in your supermarket, that’s for sure!

However, remember to check that almond milk does not contain added sugars, especially if you want to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.


  • 1 cup of almonds
  • 4 dates
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)


  • First of all, keep in mind that you must prepare this recipe the night before.
  • Soak the almonds overnight in a large container filled with water.
  • Once the night has passed, peel the almonds and wash them well to remove all impurities.
  • Then, using an electric mixer or food processor, crush the almonds, dates and water for a few minutes.
  • Filter the resulting liquid using a cloth bag or large gauze.
  • Store the drink in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

2. Oat milk

This milk is often used in pie recipes and in vegan preparations. The reason is as follows: if it tastes neutral and then goes very well with many foods.

This milk is ideal to incorporate in a coffee, a smoothie or a soup.


  • 1 cup of oatmeal
  • 6 dates without pit
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract (30 ml)


  • For this second recipe, you will also need to soak the oatmeal in a container filled with water overnight.
  • The next morning, filter the liquid and mix all the ingredients together to obtain a homogeneous preparation.
  • Then let the mixture sit for an hour so that the ingredients soak in well.
  • Finally, filter the mixture at least three times. The idea is to get rid of the leftovers that you don’t need.

3. Banana milk

plant-based milk from bananas


  • 2 bananas (650 g)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 4 dates without pit
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract (15 ml)
  • 1 cup of ice cube if you want to make a granita (120 g)


  • This time you don’t have to leave anything to soak overnight. In addition to being delicious, this recipe is very quick to prepare.
  • First, peel the bananas and cut them into slices. Put the banana slices in your blender.
  • Then add the other ingredients.
  • If you want a granita, add the ice cubes.
  • Mix everything for two minutes.
  • All you have to do is put the preparation in the refrigerator to serve it very cold!


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