3 Basic Heals To Protect Your Hands From The Sun

We don’t pay much attention to our hands. However, the hands are the members of the body most affected by the effects of the sun. It is therefore essential to protect them if we wish to avoid their premature aging.

The hands are rather inconspicuous members of the body. However, on our hands appear the signs of passing time. It is therefore important to know how to take care of your hands and protect them from the sun, a factor that accelerates their premature aging.

Without a shadow of a doubt, the hands are one of the areas most affected by UV rays. It should therefore be borne in mind that prolonged exposure to the sun can cause burns, sunstroke, and even skin cancer.

It is also not recommended to expose moles or spots to the sun, regardless of the part of the body where they are, in order to avoid the risk of the appearance of melanoma.

Since we use our hands for almost all of our day-to-day activities, it is important to take care of them every day. In addition to keeping them young and beautiful, we will avoid inflammation, spots, and swelling that can directly affect our quality of life and our professional life.

Avoiding long exposure to the sun to protect your hands is not enough. Discover here a fundamental care routine for complete and effective protection.

With this routine, you will fight the sun’s rays, dryness, wrinkles and rough skin. You will only need a few ingredients and consistency.  In no time at all, your hands will be looking better than ever.

1. Exfoliation

protect his hands from the sun

Exfoliating your skin once a week helps encourage cell regeneration. You can either opt for a commercial scrub, or for a natural homemade product, such as:

  • coffee grounds
  • sodium bicarbonate
  • salt
  • sugar
  • oatmeal
  • ground almond

It is recommended to mix the chosen exfoliating product with an essential oil, so as not to overdry the skin. Above all, remember to moisturize the skin immediately after performing the exfoliation. Your hands will be very soft and very smooth at the same time. The scrub also helps prevent spots on the skin.

2. Hydration

When you want to take care of your skin, it is essential to drink a lot of water in order to hydrate yourself from the inside. Per day, we should drink an average of 8 glasses of water, always without meals and spaced out throughout the day.

However, hydrating only from the inside is not enough. You should also apply moisturizers adapted to your skin type. We recommend that you opt for natural products.

If your skin is sensitive, choose a product with a sun protection factor. Your hands will thus remain smooth, soft, young, nourished and not wrinkled.

Vegetable oil is a very simple option for moisturizing the skin from the outside. There are many oils to choose from. Choose according to your skin type.

  • Almond oil is very nourishing and therefore perfect for dry skin.
  • Coconut oil is ideal for normal skin.
  • Shea butter is perfect for dry skin.
  • Jojoba oil is suitable for normal skin.

3. Protection

protect his hands from the sun

Follow the few basic tips below if you want to protect your hands from the sun and other external factors.

  • When doing a household chore, such as washing dishes or cleaning the floor, remember to put on gloves. Specifically, as soon as you are about to use chemicals, wear gloves ! The substances contained in these products damage your hands, which are then susceptible to skin reactions.
  • Remember to protect your hands with gloves when you practice certain activities (sports, certain jobs, etc.). Even in cold areas it is advisable to wear gloves, especially if the sun is strong on the snow. This will protect your hands from ultraviolet rays.
  • Hot water is not beneficial for the skin. Certainly, it kills some pathogens, but it also scalds the skin. Hot water is not synonymous with disinfection as some people tend to think. Using hot water to wash your hands can irritate your skin and speed up the appearance of wrinkles. 
  • When it is very windy, it is advisable to wear gloves for protection, as the wind dries up and damages the skin.  On the market, you will find pairs of gloves in different fabrics and different thicknesses. Choose your pair of gloves according to the outside temperature.

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