15 Family Activities

Family time is the most precious thing we can give to our children. It is true that there are a lot of activities that we could do as a family that don’t involve a big budget, but a lot of fun.

Free time is more fun and rewarding if we organize activities to do as a family, instead of staying at home glued to the television. You don’t need a big budget, it just takes a little planning.

Thus, during the week, you can plan the elements necessary for the activities to be done as a family. Also, keep in mind that you need to be willing to have fun and encourage your creativity.

Ideas for family activities

Family activities are built on the importance of sharing quality time together. The proposals we make to you concern:

  • To party
  • Enjoy nature
  • To recycle
  • Share time together
  • Sort and correct

To party

family activities

Birthdays or the end of the school year will always be important dates for family activities.  But don’t wait for big dates to throw big parties, any day is good for having fun with music, dancing and joy.

1. Talent competition

Hosting a talent show is a great excuse to celebrate with the family. Each member of the family should exhibit the talent they feel most comfortable with.  For example, some sing, others dance, and a jury rewards the most talented or the most entertaining.

2. Non birthday party

You can buy (or bake) a cake, make sandwiches, and come back and sing a birthday any day of the year that is not the day of the birth, a “non-birthday”.

3. Costume party

Children can once again put on their carnival or witch costume, and dress like mum or dad. In addition, they can choose a theme (for example, pirate night) and search their clothes for elements that allow them to recreate the chosen theme.

4. Enjoy nature

family activities

In addition to the health benefits that contact with nature brings to physical, mental and emotional health, with the following activities to be carried out as a family, we can instill in children the responsibility for the life of another living being.

5. Bird feeder

In the garden (if you don’t have a garden, in a pot or on a window), prepare a dish specially made to feed free-flying birds. This idea rejoices the heart and enables children to take responsibility for food.

6. Plant seeds or plants

Organizing pots (so that everyone can plant plants or seeds) helps to benefit from contact with the soil and to enjoy the growth of the plant. If it also generates fruits or flowers, it is a great satisfaction to pick them.

Recycling as part of family activities

family activities

The planet urgently demands that the whole family understand and practice the values ​​of recycling. Collecting materials is not just an educational experience. By giving a new form or use to waste, it activates the creativity of adults and children.

7. Car racing made with boxes

Each member of the family selects a box according to its size. The bottom and cover are removed for insertion and loading. The cars are made, and in a park the starting line is given!

8. Cards in cereal boxes

Take the costume party celebration seriously. Distribute invitation cards drawn on cereal box cartons. You can also do this on Christmas parties or birthdays.

9. Cardboard piñata

You can make the piñata for the next birthday of a child in the family. They don’t need a very elaborate design. It can simply be a rectangular box, which you then decorate with colorful papers or prints of his favorite character.

Share time together

family activities

The time parents spend with their children is their greatest gift. There is no gift that is more to a child or teenager than the ability to give and receive love, understanding, and empathy from their parents.

10. Pajama party

You just have to place mattresses in the room, make some popcorn and have a good time together. You can also play board games or do dynamic activities. If sleep takes them, since they are already in their pajamas, they can lie there.

11. Camping stay

Enjoying a stay in a tent in a natural space is one of those fabulous experiences for the whole family. But if the budget is tight, the tent can be set up in the garden or even in the living room of the house!

12. Spa or workshop afternoon 

You can organize a beauty day that includes a manicure, pedicure, mask and hair treatment. Or, if you prefer, you can do housework, prepare games, or check cars, in case they need to be fixed.

Tidy up and sort

family activities

After a fun day, comes the hard part of getting everything in order. Of course, doing it together is easier than leaving it to one person. However, you can organize other family activities that help tidy up, and the process isn’t that tedious.

13. Move furniture around the room

They can give a new perspective to the children’s room if you give the furniture a new location. It is important to take children’s views into account in this regard.

14. Redecorate a wall

Children will enjoy painting a mural on a wall in the house, as well as re-whitening the wall they have painted with their creations. The important thing is to involve the children in the care and maintenance of the house.

15. Organize a family photo album

Beyond posting on social media, printing photographs and preparing an album is a rewarding experience for the whole family. Organizing photos, remembering and talking about good times with the family is another moment to share with the family.

Have you taken notes on these family activities?

Enjoying the company and family activities is great fun! With a little ingenuity, you can design activities that will end up being an accumulation of soul-enriching experiences for parents and children. All you have to do is suggest and implement these activities to do as a family!

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