11 Other Uses Of Baby Oil

Thanks to baby oil we can get a super moisturizer that will help us prevent the appearance of stretch marks and that can improve the texture of our skin. bath gel

Baby oil is a world famous product that is often used as a moisturizer for the delicate skin of newborns.

It’s about a mineral oil scented with a pleasant smell, which can be applied to all skin types.

Somehow we are usually quite familiar with this type of product because, although we don’t have children, we have found it useful at different times in our lives.

Although it is intended for babies, its versatility and texture allow it to be used for other uses, both for the home and for beauty.

In the rest of this article, we’re going to share with you the 11 most interesting uses of baby oil. Don’t miss it!

1. Baby oil as makeup remover

Baby oil as a makeup remover.

Rimmel and other cosmetic eye products are often full of chemicals that make them difficult to remove.

To do this very easily, rub your eyes with your fingertips with a little baby oil and then remove it with a cotton ball.

2. Remove a chewing gum stuck in the hair

It seems impossible to remove this chewing gum that accidentally got stuck in my hair.

However, in order not to have to cut the strand of stuck-on hair, it is worth rubbing it with a generous amount of baby oil, and allowing it to sit and then remove it.

This simple trick will soften the hair and the gum will slide off with ease so you don’t have to resort to extreme measures.

3. Hair removal

Baby oil for hair removal.

Don’t have shaving foam? It does not matter ! Spread a good amount of baby oil on your skin, then proceed to your shave.

Thanks to its protective and moisturizing properties, it will help you avoid possible irritation or encrusted hairs.

4. Prevent stretch marks

In the last trimester of pregnancy, the skin tends to stretch a little more and cause an annoying itch which will later result in stretch marks .

To feel a feeling of relief quickly, apply a good amount of baby oil and let the skin absorb it.

Its daily use keeps the stomach hydrated and reduces the appearance of stretch marks.

5. Eliminate earwax

Cotton swabs are not recommended for removing earwax.

To make this stain easier, apply a few drops of baby oil in the ear canal. Repeat the application for a few days so that the wax drains completely.

5. Make the wood shine

Make the wood shine with baby oil.

As is the case with other types of oils, baby oil is a great ally to bring out the shine of all your furniture by wood .

You only need to apply a small amount. Then wipe with a clean cloth to distribute it evenly over the entire surface.

7. Exfoliate the lips

If you have dry and chapped lips, take a teaspoon of baby oil, add sugar to it and rub your lips with this mixture.

This simple and effective trick is an alternative to very expensive exfoliators sold in stores.

8. Improve the bath gel

Baby bath gel and oil.

If you want to enhance the effects of your bath gel, add a few drops of this product to it and shake it before using.

After its application on the skin, you will feel it much softer and hydrated.

9. Lubricant for door hinges

You no longer need to buy off-the-shelf lubricant to suppress the squeaking of old door hinges.

If you put a little oil in it to babies, you can restore them to work perfectly again.

10. Hydrating nail cream

After your manicure, apply a little of this oil on the cuticles and nails to provide them with hydration.

Its properties prevent the sensitivity of the enamel and the dryness of the skin around them.

11. Moisturize cracked feet

Moisturize cracked feet with baby oil.

Dryness and cracking on the skin of the feet is very common and relatively painful.

To speed up their recovery, immerse your feet in lukewarm water. Rub them with a pumice stone and then apply a thin layer of the oil.

Repeat the treatment every evening and in just a few days you will see your healthier feet and like new.

Are you still limiting the use of baby oil? Now that you know that you can find other uses for it, don’t hesitate to make it the solution for many tasks around the house.

It is healthy and very economical.

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