10 Values ​​that You Must Teach Your Children

There are many values ​​that you must teach your children, so that they learn to make their own decisions and to fend for themselves in their own life. social environment. Find out here what these values ​​are.

The Parents play a leading role in their children’s learning process. From the first months of a child’s life, parents are responsible for teaching him what is good and what is not. Although learning lasts for years, it is essential to teach these values ​​from an early age.

These qualities are not only decisive in the development of his behavior, they also influence his self-esteem and his ability to stand out in a social environment. In addition, these are virtues that last a lifetime and characterize the personality of an individual.

Warning ! Remember that children copy parents’ behavior. It is therefore essential that you lead by example: before teaching these values, you must apply them yourself day after day.

It will do no good teaching your child these values ​​if he does not see them in his own family. Thus, it is not only a question of teaching values, but of giving them meaning through practice.

Discover here 10 values ​​that you must teach your children.

1. Honesty 

Honesty is a value that children must learn from an early age . Children tend to lie and cover up their actions in order to avoid punishment. It is precisely at this point that you must teach them the importance of speaking the truth, so that they become trustworthy beings.

2. Tolerance

In a world full of differences, tolerance is undoubtedly a core value. It is essential that children understand and accept differences (different cultures, different races, or even different religions). Accepting difference is a basic principle for maintaining healthy human relationships.

3. Respect

One of the first values ​​you should teach your children is respect. This virtue is essential for life in community. It is therefore essential that during his first years of life, the child learns not to raise his voice, to respect his parents, and to respect the rules of the house.

4. Responsibility 

Teaching responsibility involves making your children understand that every action has positive or negative consequences, and that each of us is responsible for our actions. The development of this quality will help them, initially, to carry out certain tasks and fulfill their obligations.

5. Friendliness

Friendliness is a quality that strengthens social and family relationships. For this reason, children must learn to be kind to others, including on bad days. They need to understand that being in a bad mood is no excuse for being rude to others.

6. The character

Character building does not happen overnight – it involves a long learning process. Nevertheless, it is an essential value that you must teach your child. Thanks to this, he will learn to make his own decisions by respecting himself and by respecting others.

7. Self-esteem

Good self-esteem is crucial in many areas of our life. Self-esteem affects the ability to live without pressure and without great difficulty. This is why the child must learn to accept himself and not to accept certain behaviors.

8. Cooperation

You have to teach your children the importance of  teamwork. At one time or another, we all need help fulfilling a goal. It is therefore sometimes necessary for several people to join forces.

9. Empathy

Developing the empathy of your child is to encourage his sensitivity. In other words, it is helping your child to put himself in someone else’s shoes, in order to understand what the other is feeling. Although this virtue usually develops spontaneously, it is sometimes necessary to strengthen it.

10. Forgiveness

Acknowledging mistakes, apologizing and knowing how to forgive are essential qualities that a child must acquire. For a very young child, these qualities are difficult to integrate, because one of the first phases of childhood is the egocentric phase during which the child has difficulty recognizing that he is wrong.

By talking lovingly to your child and talking to him about the meaning of forgiveness, he will come to understand the importance of this value. This will help your child to understand that it is important to avoid holding onto their grievances inside and other harmful feelings.

Have you ever taught these values ​​to your children? Remember, you need to put them into practice every day. This will prevent your children from developing “counter-values”.

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