10 Symptoms That Alert Us To Possible Depression

Why is depression so common today? Many factors affect us, such as work pressure, feelings of loneliness, family problems, lack of personal space and a poor quality of life.

Depression is a moral disorder that paralyzes our life and closes the doors to our happiness. Today, let’s take a look at the most important symptoms of depression for your health and well-being.

There are many factors that determine depression, in addition to being very personal. We must remember that no depression is the same, and not all people transform emotions or problems in the same way.

So, when treating depression, various things are necessary: ​​confrontational therapy, pharmacological help, social support. And above all, a clear desire to go beyond this “tunnel”. 

Symptoms of possible depression

Changes in appetite

There is an important data that many health professionals tell us. Depression  is never easy to diagnose. Indeed, sometimes, it is confused with other secondary diseases.

Normally, conventional physicians do not have much time to make a diagnosis. Often times, they focus more on headaches or insomnia before realizing the underlying reality which is depression.

So, it is important that we ourselves are aware of what is happening.

Discouragement, sadness or frustration often turn into psychosomatic illnesses. These are side effects of an emotional problem that has not been dealt with effectively.

So, be aware of the following symptoms of depression. If you identify 4 of them, we can talk about clues of depression.

1. Insomnia

We are not talking about temporary insomnia, but chronic insomnia which prevents us from regaining our strength, which makes us get up tired and unmotivated.

It is common to use sleeping pills to get to sleep. But usually we can’t sleep because there is something worrying us.

2. Changes in appetite

Do you see that you are eating because you are stressed? Or maybe you’ve totally lost your urge to eat?

There are people who notice that they are gaining weight without knowing why. While others lose it until they reach levels of anorexia behind which depression lurks.

3. Obsessive thoughts: one of the symptoms of depression

Obsessive thoughts: symptoms of depression

There are ideas that do not come out of our mind, questions, images, memories that we cannot put aside.

These are obsessive thoughts that fill us with anxiety that we cannot control. This generates great mental exhaustion and great despair.

4. Negative thoughts and guilt

In addition to these obsessive thoughts, it is very usual to fall into a very characteristic negativism.

We see everything in black, we lose the urge to wake up every morning, and we torture ourselves with feelings of guilt.

Even, it is difficult for us to accept help from other people because we prefer times of solitude.

5. Difficulty concentrating

We are absent, out of step with the world around us. There are many things that can be overlooked and it is difficult for us to focus our attention on something concrete.

We feel tired and it wears us out that others pay attention to our carelessness and mistakes.

6. Difficulty making decisions

You know that you should ask for help or that it is best for you to deal with what is going on at home, but you feel incapable of it.

The physical and mental fatigue are so high that you can’t take it anymore. You feel fragile and hurt, unable to make firm decisions.

7. Great morning fatigue

People with depression agree on one point: the morning is the worst time of the day.

Opening our eyes and having to face a new day is exhausting.

We have no motivation and we feel slow and without any strength to get out of bed.

8. The light bothers us

The depressed person prefers to be in a closed room with the curtains drawn, where the light is not very intense. We prefer solitude and meditation.

9. Physical pain

Pain and possible depression.

Migraines, muscle problems, digestion problems, tachycardia, chronic fatigue… All of these symptoms are psychosomatic symptoms that warn us of a possible underlying depression.

10. Lack of social interest is also a symptom of depression

We prefer solitude to being with our friends or even with our family.

We even lose desire for our spouse and find it difficult to listen to the advice of others.

It is possible to have the feeling that they cannot understand us, that no one can feel what we ourselves are feeling.

Confronting the Symptoms of Depression

Depression is confronted with courage and with all the strength that can be found deep inside, accepting help that, naturally, loved ones can provide.

Take note :

  • Think that you have the right to be happy again and that you must rediscover the joy of the present and the future. The past is past and no longer exists. The important thing is “here and now” as well as your own happiness.
  • A depression is overcome little by little and through small daily successes.
    Today you are going to leave your house for a walk. Tomorrow you will make a small change: a new haircut, a new clothes, go out for a drink with someone.
    The next day, you make a bigger change like signing up for a small class or even a goal that you find even more complicated but isn’t.
    Day after day, you will feel better if you allow yourself to take the steps with security and self-esteem.
  • Remember something important: We all have the right to fail, but it is obligatory to get up. 

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