10 Causes That Cause A Constant Feeling Of Hunger

Do you constantly have the feeling of hunger or is your brain constantly thinking about food? Pay attention to this article, because here are the causes of this awkward feeling.

1. Being thirsty

If you’ve eaten a lot recently and still feel hungry, that’s probably not the cause. Think about the last time you drank water.

Have a drink and wait a minute. The feeling of hunger will decrease and it turns out that what you really have is a feeling of thirst.

Ending this feeling will be as easy as getting used to drinking water regularly. The best option to get your body used to consuming a lot of water is to drink it in the morning and always half an hour before each meal.

2. Foods with empty calories

Refined sugar and feeling of hunger.

Sweet snacks, even if eaten in small amounts, only whet the appetite without giving the body a healthy diet. And you should know that fast sugars contain only empty calories without any nutrients.

The key is to try and cut down on fast carbohydrates and sugars and stick to healthier foods.

3. Not sleeping well

If you don’t sleep well, you’ll wake up and want to eat, which won’t happen if you sleep soundly for 7-8 hours.

At night, the body produces a hormone called melatonin, which is responsible for the proper functioning of our body.

4. Being stressed

Stress and feeling of hunger.

We all react with two types of behavior during times of stress. People who can no longer swallow anything and those who always eat more, precisely because they are anxious.

If you are one of those who eats a lot in times of stress or anxiety, you should keep in mind that stress is not a reason for eating unhealthy foods and that you are better off going for one. physical activity.

Call your friends, play sports, read a book, anything that distracts you from thinking about food.

5. Aperitifs and alcohol

Alcohol makes you fat and also stimulates your appetite. Do not drink alcohol or drink in moderation and if you are going out with friends, choose light meals and healthy snacks.

6. Protein deficiency

Protein and feeling of hunger.

It is essential that in order to avoid overeating, you should include protein in your diet. In addition to providing you with energy, they generate a feeling of fullness. Eat vegetables and fruits in addition to protein.

7. Lack of healthy fats

Foods are not all the same. For example, fast food, fried foods, fatty foods, smoked foods, and flour contain unhealthy fats, saturated fats that will make you put on weight.

However, healthy fats should be present in your diet. This type of fat is found in olive oil, salmon, nuts, avocado or even sunflower seeds.

8. Not respecting the meal schedule, cause of hunger

Too much eating causes hunger.

Eat all five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. Do not miss any of these and if you have the opportunity, always take them at the same time or with a similar time interval between each of them.

It is also not recommended to exceed the quantities. Bet on rations at regular intervals.

9. Don’t think about food all the time

The growing tendency to look at images of food through social media makes us think about it constantly.

Don’t stay logged in to Instagram all the time looking for something to cook for tonight or for the next party because you’ll want to eat again.

10. Don’t eat too fast

Cooking and feeling of hunger.

Eating slowly is fundamental to feeling satisfied at the right time. Eating fast means that our body does not have time to assimilate anything and ends up asking for more food.

A good way to do this is to chew a lot slower and cut the food into smaller pieces. It takes a certain amount of time for the brain to get the signal to feel full, which means you can stop eating.

If you eat too fast, in no time you are going to be eating more calories and a lot of them that you probably don’t even need. Your brain just still hasn’t received the full message, and will still feel hungry.

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