10 Benefits Of Eggplant For Our Health

Eggplant has many good properties for our health. It is low in calories and is therefore ideal for weight loss. It also improves circulation and is an excellent antioxidant.

The benefits of eggplant are numerous for our health. It is low in calories thanks to its high water content, which makes it the ideal vegetable to include in a slimming diet. It improves circulation and is also an excellent antioxidant.

Below we’ll give you the most important benefits of eggplant, as well as the reasons why you should include it in your diet.

The 10 benefits of eggplant

1. Protects the cardiovascular system

As this vegetable is rich in potassium, it helps to maintain a stable heart rate. In addition, it contains flavonoids which reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body and stimulate the increase of good cholesterol.

It should be noted that these two properties are very important in reducing the risk of heart disease.

2. Fights free radicals

benefits of eggplant: fights free radicals

As it is an excellent antioxidant, eggplant is the specialist in the fight against free radicals. It protects cells by fighting and delaying their aging.

It also works as a cleanser while helping to flush out a large amount of toxins.

3. Improves brain function

The phyto-nutrients contained in eggplant are good for the cognitive system and mental health.

They eliminate toxins present in the brain and increase blood flow to the brain while stimulating good memory and analytical skills.

4. Helps lose weight

The benefits of eggplant for balancing the digestive system are well known. This thanks to its large amount of soluble fiber.

It is also low in calories, as it is made up largely of water. Which gives us a satiating effect while feeling satisfied for longer.

5. Prevents anemia

One of the main causes of anemia is the lack of iron in the blood. As eggplant is rich in iron, it is more than recommended for preventing and treating anemia.

In addition, it plays an important role in the development of red blood cells because it helps metabolize proteins.

6. Improves eyesight

Another of the benefits of eggplant is to maintain healthy vision and prevent cataracts, thanks to anthocyanin, a compound that helps improve the central nervous system.

7. Increase bone health

Eggplant contains phenolic compounds which are excellent for building strong bones and thus reducing the possibility of suffering from osteoporosis.

As we mentioned earlier, it contains a good amount of iron and calcium, which are essential nutrients for maintaining healthy bones.

8. Strengthens hair

Since it contains vitamin B3, eggplant is used to stimulate hair growth.

It also contains vitamin A, which stimulates the production of sebum and helps moisturize the hair and prevent hair loss.

9. Fight against water retention

This accumulation of fluids occurs because of different factors like menstruation, menopause, pregnancy and kidney disease, heart disease, among other things.

It is recommended to drink eggplant water. Because it is a diuretic par excellence, which helps to expel the retained liquids.

Retention can also cause overweight. So if you want to lose a few pounds, don’t hesitate to include eggplant water in your daily routine.

10. Helps treat burns

benefits of eggplant: to treat burns

Against skin burns, it is recommended to use the flesh of boiled eggplant. It contains healing and balsamic properties that help soothe pain and soften the skin.

A vegetable to eat every day

As you have seen in this article, this fruit contains many essential nutrients to protect the body.

This is why we offer below a simple and practical technique for consuming this food: eggplant water.

Eggplant water


  • one medium eggplant (160 g)
  • a liter of water
  • a lemon (100 g)


  • Wash the eggplant thoroughly and cut it into slices.
  • Squeeze the lemon until you get as much juice as possible.
  • Bring the water to a boil then add the pieces of eggplant.
  • Cook for 25 minutes until the pieces are soft.
  • Turn off the heat and let stand for an hour.
  • Then filter the water and pour it into an opaque glass container.
  • Add the lemon juice, then mix.

You can drink this water throughout the day.

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